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India plans to buy large tracks of Land in Canada, Australia etc.

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    India plans to buy large tracks of Land in Canada, Australia etc.

    The Indian government plans to buy large tracks of land in Canada Australia etc. around the world to grow pulse crops and ship them directly to India for food.
    Hm is this the reason we have foreign ownership laws.
    Come one selling to these countries instead of importing food from us.
    Boy farming is changing. They don't want to pay us to grow it and think they will grow it here for free. Read larry webers comments today for full story.

    I have to confess that I really wonder about this rumour. I remember a similar rumour in the early to mid 80's about the Saudis buying western Canadian farmland as a place to invest petro-dollars and as a source of feed barley for their livestock. That Saudi rumour created quite a few pressured land purchases by producers in the area of Alberta I was working in at the time.


      wasn't the rumor last year that the chinese were going to do the same scheme?


        Been my plan for years, just taking longer than I'd planned.


          It is all a good idea on paper, until they see the returns, and think for one second. Let those poor saps get sacked for the inputs and risk, we will just keep trying to low ball them. A this point in time I challenge anyone in the world to raise food production in Western Canada - Beef or grain, cheaper the we can.


            you have to figure that six or seven years out of ten they can buy it below the cost of production. by the time they rotate crops it doesn't look so rosy does it?


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