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Anyone turning a wheel anywhere??

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    Anyone turning a wheel anywhere??

    Shower after shower here. Started HRS yesterday, starting to bleach standing.

    Anyone ever descicate Oats with Roundup??

    Same here Snappy. Haven't done any more than a few samples. All this dampness has caused us to swath a little more than we usually do.


      Last harvest day was last Saturday on peas, Sitting since, swathing canola done, desiccated 1000 acres and hauled peas into terminal. Rained or showered every single day. No sprouting yet on standing but swath is in trouble. Bleaching is occurring.


        I have been sitting for 8 days and its driving me nuts.


          sitting 7 days, not many farms swath wheat or durum but what has been is growing! the standing crop is real taking a beating too with the misting and showers every couple hours(even today), some durum fields are really starting to break down, and lets not even talk about the standing barley.


            Got the peas done a while back.
            Got the canola swathed in the cooler weather a plus for that since some very green mixed in with shattering.
            Tried to start swathing wheat on friday and only got 3 hours into that.
            Checked the peas in the bin and half are in the beginning stages of heating. Thought the dry stuff should be OK but the plus 30 days when we did harvest is showing up. At least I have the couple days to move the stuff and move some to air bins. I suggest anyone combining canola in them hot days and not quite cured should be checking their bins while you have time.


              We also have been down since Monday of the long weekend. More rain today. Does not look good the next few days either.

              Snappy: We have dessicated oats. Did about 800 acres last year. It takes a long time to dry down. That was using August heat. 10 days to two weeks of dry down in a heavy stand. I would be very worried using this method at this time of the year with the cool damp weather of Sept. Especially if the stem has a lot of green in it still.
              The plus side is that it really helps with straw managment in a heavy stand. Really chops up well. We used the 1 liter rate @the 360gm strength last year. I used a higher rate this year of 1.5 l/ac. Worked quicker. If your oats is on the ripe spray with dew on the crop. Cuts down on the shattering from the sprayer.


                Spray your oats were in E Sask and have done it that way for over 10 years works fine. Would do Barley except the Maltsters wont buy it.


                  Finished early canola last night and will continue to seed winter wheat.
                  Victory 1036 31bus/ac - 45H26 just over 40bus/ac. Will try oats or maybe wheat today. Light frost again this morning.


                    Not a bushel combined in our operation yet. 1/3rd of canola cut down, swathing barley in between rains before the heads fall off and going nuts waiting to combine the CWRS wheat that is actually ready. This is very similar weather to last year in our area ( just East of Calgary )and just makes a guy hate this time of year. End of the week shows some promise but man we sure gotta get out of this moisture every 3 days cycle.

                    Best of luck to everybody,



                      I have a neighbor that used Round-up on oat's last year and it didn't turn out too well. The stuff started breaking down a few days later and he couldn't get it through his flex header. He wound up swathing it anyways.


                        We have a neighbour who sprays and straight cuts his oats every year, works great. Kills all the green stuff coming underneath. Just don't tell the miller that it was sprayed because apparently it is a big no-no, I think the horse guys are even more picky when it comes to dessication.

                        Got 1/2 inch on Friday here. Combined 80 acres of barley today testing between 17 and 18. There where a few guys combining peas also. Its time to quit pissin around, I'm not waiting for the weather to dry it down anymore.


                          Some of our land got 3 inches (south of Saskatoon). Hadn't moved a wheel since Aug 30. Finished 80 acres of canola on the 320 we were on when rained out. Took it at 11.7 as we also need to get going and have plenty that came off at 6 or less. Yield dropped almost 20% compared to what the field was doing before rain. Some (very little) wind/hail damage, most loss due to sprouted seeds breaking up and going out the back. Still 2 or 3 % in sample.Swathed wheat is going to be ugly !! Some sprouting in standing barley and a few heads breaking off. But they say we are gonna be rich from this bumper crop.


                            Tried the hrsw today - 19%, then oats - 16%. Should have took my own advice and wnet fisihing. On the bright side it did not rain until after dark today.
                            Not fun taken off this bumper crop so far.
                            IMO, less than 20% of hrsw will make top grade in western canada. Whatever we gained last month in matureity was lost in the last five days. We are going to pay full bore inputs for the next year for haveing 30 days af high grain/oilseed prices last feb. Like pigs at the trough with half a slop pail. As for now I would rather have a gun than the slop pail for the buyers.


                              Time to invite these so called experts to have a ride in the combines - then come to the elevator for a true reality check. The net returns are going to be far worse on average than last year. Then factor in next spring, people in Cuba will be better off.
                              20% of the producers will do ok , 80% are f&*^%^&(.


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