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Jeff Nielsen CWB district 2 director candidate

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    Did I read somewhere that there will be no free choice candidate in one of the Manitoba? ridings Jeff?

    I can't remember which riding.


      The only way we will be sure it can survive is by trying your way and if it can't, we will have lost the only farmer controlled marketing agency western farmers have. Bigger minds than ours have said it can't so I really am not anxious to test your theory. Strange that all the critics on this board contend that the new producer pricing options are not fair , yet there are a number of choice CWB board members , both elected and appointed that must have had a say in developing them.


        There are choice candidates in all the districts up for re - election so perhaps some have yet to declare. Rolf Penner is running in district 10 in MB. Rolf's experience and committment to choice makes him an excellent candidate.
        Agstar if you wish to debate me fine, call me and lets talk real person to real person, not a nickname. I don't know if you are a producer, a CWB employee, or just an interested party.
        As stated in my web site - the CWB has many strengths and will be continued in a choice environment. Look back to a thread from the Aussie farmer who has shown that their grain companies have taken the challenge on of providing many options, such as pooling, for their producers. If it works there why can't it here? If we don't try what then?
        If it wasn't for the continued pressure of Canadian producers for more choice, we would not have had the development of many of the current options with in the CWB.
        We, as producers pushed, shoved and ran borders and were jailed trying to get more choice. In being continually reactive the CWB gave producers some.
        Perhaps a proactive CWB once it is free of the monopoly will continue its strong - well recieved programs - all along developing and providing more options for marketing choice.


          I'm just a farmer like you are. You put your name out here to gain support. So I guess it's fair game to ask your opinions. It's fair to question of all sides, that's how a democracy works, and perhaps that is how we will find solutions that will satisfy most of us.


            Agstar, freedom minded farmers who are asking for choice did not ask for the boards lousy PPO's. Why would I be happy by the board giving me something I didn't ask for? I want the board to compete with others not with itself, and I will not be happy until it does.


              Some people just have a grumpy personality and will never be happy!



                You said: <i>It's fair to question of all sides, that's how a democracy works, and perhaps that is how we will find solutions that will satisfy most of us.</i>

                How fair is this:

                CWB survey says ... 52% of farmers want an "open market" on barley (responding to a simple 2-way "CWB single desk vs open market" question).

                CWB chairman says ... "When we poll farmers, it is to identify their needs from a marketing point of view and we have responded to their needs very aggressively. The farmer-controlled board of directors has gone a long way to provide flexibility in terms of pricing, payment and delivery..."

                Blah, blah, blah. Yada, yada, yada....

                The majority clearly asked for an "open market". The CWB gave "flexibility".

                So Agstar, the question was asked, the solution is in sight, but when it comes to the CWB BOD, democracy isn't in the room.

                And you think the CWB is "farmer controlled"?


                  First off, I would be very happy being able to sell my own wheat.

                  Secondly, I've been wondering about this supposed "farmer" control as well. Maybe you can explain it to us agstarr how exactly you as a farmer are in control of the CWB?

                  The way I see it you have a permit book(maybe you have 2 or 3) and every four years you get to vote for a director who then can do what ever he wants for the next four years. I believe there are something like 57,000 other permit book holders who also get a vote. So your say or level of control is 1 in 57,000 or .0000175% every four years. On top of this like it or not the CWB is still a government agency and there are five appointed directors and the government can also have all sorts of other influence over the day to day running of the board if it so chooses.

                  So again agstarr, how does this all add up to "farmer" controlled? I'm sorry, but I'm just not seeing it.

                  Personally, I see the ability to say 'no' to someone who wants to buy my wheat as the ultimate in control.


                    Hi Guys

                    I can't believe that people are still responding to a participant like Agstar77, the goat that he smacks us with I think it's time to kill it. Yes, marketing is a small percentage of this issue. The day I plant, ok harvest my HRS or Malt B I lose control of my property and to me thats the biggest issue. In Canada we do not have property rights in the Charter of Rights, this is what gives the gov't the power to have a monopoly on a commodity (or take your land). So way not gold or oil or potash(stupid)? This is not another farmers decision, whether I should have my rights to my wheat or barley, this is a parliamentary enacted law, the goverment needs to protect me and my property, its their job. I know, I know, the system is in place so we need to make sure this election that we boot these control freaks out on their assets.
                    PS. Jeff will you resign your seat if you do the Ritter flip flop? And will you put that in writing on your web site?



                      You are astute.

                      It's all about ownership.

                      Property rights.

                      THAT is the issue.


                      For being a fresh new AV poster, you sure have the property right/CWB issue idea down pat.


                        Thanks for asking JohnSmith, as stated in my web page and every thing I state, that I want real marketing choice. I will continue the charge that Jim Chatenay started on marketing choice.
                        My resolve to this is un-wavering. I will not flip!!!
                        Sorry for the delay in getting back to you on this. We are fighting the weather here, 25 on Thursday yet 3 tenths of rain on Friday. No combining done, and trying to finish swathing the frost damaged canola.


                          Jim Chatney's legacy is one that certainly deserves to be continued. From what I understand he has gone through a special kind of Hell the last eight years around that CWB board table. Hopefully the seeds he planted will be ready for harvest real soon.


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