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World Growth

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    World Growth

    For those of you that believe the commodity boom is over. WWW.worldmeters.

    I couldn't get this address to take me to anything specific agstar but I suspect it's one of those pages with running dials tracking such things as population, barrels of oil produced, murders, etc.

    All very interesting but it still boils down to "ability to pay". Population growth on it's own doesn't mean higher grain prices. Demand? Absolutely! $$$ to pay for it? Not generally. A sad but true reality of the world we live in.


      Just type in worldmeters to google. Gives a running total births deaths oil, food , energy consumption. Some very interesting numbers. Just shows where we are headed. Shows more obese people than malnourished. This may be a temporary lull in the commodities storm, but the trend is obvious, no decrease in consumption due to high oil prices. As one analyst said if at 100 dollar oil consumption doesnt distruct during a recession, what happens to oil and other commodities when the recession is over?


        Actually it is:


        With the world population numbers spinning like mad, it must be time to find another planet to colonize OR start more wars.


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