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another lawsuit

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    another lawsuit

    It looks like Friends of Socialism is headed for the courtroom once again. This time, it seems that logical arguments and common sense have been thrown completely out the window.

    "In a release Wednesday, the group Friends of the CWB said it plans to argue in court that the federal government's recent amendment to regulations on the election of CWB directors "was enacted in an improper manner and that it violates the Charter of Rights and Freedoms.""

    "Winnipeg lawyer Anders Bruun, representing Friends of the CWB, said the regulatory amendment "pits farmer candidates, who are subject to a $15,000 election spending cap, against third parties who are now permitted to spend unlimited amounts of money without accountability to farmers.""

    If anything, imposing spending limits in the first place is a violation of freedom of expression, not the other way around. How they came to the opposite conclusion is beyond me.

    Gee then I guess you should check out the Canada Elections act, for third party spending limits. Maybe you could launch a charter challenge against it.


      So where the heck are these shinning examples of Aristotelian logic getting the money for another nuisance lawsuit? The Manitoba government maybe?


        here's the reality boys, Harper's ammendment will have zero effect on the cwb elections, it was merely a symbolic smack to the cwb.

        There are plenty of free market farmers willing to throw a grand or two towards a good free market candidte or two.

        I really doubt you will see one big money third party stepping up to the plate, fear of retribution still rules the day.

        So what amazes me is these "freinds" wasting their money on something so irrelevant, when their money could be spent much more wisely.

        It appears these "friends" have zero sense of stratigic thinking. These guys see a boggyman behind every bush and like a paniced infantryman, they just start firing at every little sound they hear whether there is anything there or not.

        So guys let them waste their doe, win or lose in court, it will have zero effect on the outcome.



          Except we both know that money will end up comming from either/or government/CWB pool accounts.

          We WILL pay... and for both sides of the case.

          I agree this is symbolic only... no practical application to stop folks from expressing themselves... EITHER WAAY!


            where are the "friends" getting their money?


            Excerpt from above article;

            Or saying that he will "walk over" the Canadian Wheat Board if it continues to argue with him. Or ... take your pick, other examples abound.

            it appears these guys are aiding and abetting the "Pufin Poo Party"

            If your main strategy is to win by sypmpathy you need to show off the kids who were stuffed into the lockers by the big bad bully.

            Problem for the Libs, the cwb has perfected the art of bulling to a science.

            Oh well don't worry too much about it, it's just the wonky left fighting over lefty votes.


              Quit wringing your hands.

              Put an end to measly holming scuttling.

              Take action:

              1. Print off a dozen declarations. Your cattle neighbors may not have one. And also, some folks are still not computer proficient.

              2.Call your choice Candidate. Ask him to email you his "VOTE FOR ME" announcement/statement/bio,,,whatever he has written ...and him and your elevator permission to post it in your elevator that you'll probably visit during harvest.

              3. Offer to personally call 5 farmers in your municipality that you think might need a declaration, and be prepared to deliver/email/mail it to him.

              4. Send some money to your candidate. Send some money to other candidates if you can. It doesn't have to be a thousand. One hundred dollars would be very very welcome. Twenty dollars is like money from home.

              5.Send out 3, yes, three, emails to friends/neighbors in your area, asking them to vote for and support your Choice candidate, and ask him if he will do exactly what you are doing.....phone the candidate, send cash, run off declarations, contact 5 farmers, email 3 friends.

              If each of us do our part, the choice directors we work to get elected will be sitting at the Board table, and can vote to withdraw from the courtcase.

              Will you do make this small effort?
              -phone the candidate. It's encouraging for him.
              -send him some cash
              -run off declarations
              -contact 5 people
              -email 3 friends



                Once again Harper and company are STACKING THE DECK to ensure the result that they desire. Jeez, will Harper never learn to play fair. Always this bullying twist to everything. I have hated bullies all of my life and have seen the tactics that they use.

                I hope the "Friends of the CWB" win again...they bloody well deserve to.


                  Do you suppose this might just be a bit of Liberal Party electioneering?

                  No one can seriously think that any big, corporate money is going to suddenly be unleased to buy thousands of dollars worth of advertising in these CWB elections. For what end? Just to lose a dozen unit trains at harvest time? Maybe a vessel or two at a terminal? Yeah right - they're up for that alright!

                  They -those dastardly Cargill's and ADM's - have never shown any appetite to spend one penny on this even when there was a limit. Why would they now?

                  The head of the Friends of the CWB - Mr. Robert Roehle - is a well known Winnipeg Liberal organizer, and so it happens, was also the head of the CWB's Communications prior to Deanna Allen. Back scratching time? Favours to repay?

                  I smell an election battle alright - but its the Federal one, not the CWB one that this is all about. Limit or no limit, nothing's going to change. My vote can't be bought by some slick ad from a grain company. Nor with an 'adjustment payment' two weeks before the vote.


                    Anybody find pails full of third-party money being shovelled into ads on TV, or in the papers, or instead of a hockey song, someone composing a CWB song?

                    I'm searching.

                    Wouldn't be funneling dollars from the CWB itself(THird Party) to the Friends of the Board, would it? And then claiming rampant third party spending in court? Hmmm.


                    "Friends of the Canadian Wheat Board

                    --a coalition of farmers and other Canadians in support of democracy, and a farmer-controlled CWB


                    Winnipeg, MB, September 10, 2008— A group of farmers will take the Harper government to court, on the grounds that a change the federal government has made to the CWB director elections is illegal.

                    “The courts have already proven this government has used illegal tactics -- not once but twice -- to try to force its policy on farmers,” said Bill Woods, a farmer from Eston, SK, referencing the federal government’s failed attempts to remove barley from the CWB mandate and to gag the CWB to prevent it from telling farmers how it works. “We believe the government is again acting illegally, this time gerrymandering with the CWB director elections to favour anti-CWB candidates and their supporters.”

                    Friends of the Canadian Wheat Board, a coalition of farmers and other Canadians in support of democracy and a farmer-controlled CWB, have filed a lawsuit against the government today. The lawsuit argues that the recent government amendment to repeal section 28 of the Regulations Respecting the Election of Directors of the Canadian Wheat Board, which set third-party spending limits, was enacted in an improper manner and that it violates the Charter of Rights and Freedoms. Last Friday, the government enacted the regulatory change that has removed the $10,000 spending restriction on advertising expenses for third-party intervenors.

                    Anders Bruun, legal counsel acting for Friends, said the amendment is grossly unfair. “It pits farmer candidates, who are subject to a $15,000 election spending cap, against third parties who are now permitted to spend unlimited amounts of money without accountability to farmers.”

                    “We’re fighting for farmers’ rights to make their own decisions regarding the future of their marketing agency, said Lynn Jacobson, a farmer from Enchant, AB. “And we’ll continue to resist anyone – any government, any foreign interest, any corporate giant – who tries to take this right away from us.”

                    Friends of the Canadian Wheat Board will hold a news tele-conference today at 2:00 p.m. CDT to discuss the legal application it has filed. Media are invited to join the conference by calling 1-800-319-4610.

                    — 30 —

                    For more information:

                    Lynn Jacobson (403) 894-5208 or (403) 739-2153

                    Bill Woods (306) 460-9599 or (306) 962-4477

                    Anders Bruun, Counsel (204) 233-9522"

                    Hope none of them are running as a Director.



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