You ask "Grain prices go UP and DOWN. Will the open market ALWAYS pay you MORE than the year before?"
No – you’ve missed the point entirely. (not even sure where that came from - more than the year before????)
You ask "Will the open market pay you the TOP price every year?"
That depends on you. But as Fran said, nobody's talking about TOP price - just average.
You ask: "Do you expect the CWB to be exempt from these UPS and DOWNS of the market place?"
No, I would expect the CWB to exploit the highs and minimize the lows to get at least average prices.
(Again, you missed the point.)
We’re talking average price over the crop year. <b>AVERAGE.</b> Not “TOP price”. Wilagro – even you could do better on your own by just selling 10% each month from Sept to July. Or Aug to June. Whatever. It ain’t rocket science.
There’s something rotten at 423 Main Street and I am surprised that even you can’t smell it.
You ask "Grain prices go UP and DOWN. Will the open market ALWAYS pay you MORE than the year before?"
No – you’ve missed the point entirely. (not even sure where that came from - more than the year before????)
You ask "Will the open market pay you the TOP price every year?"
That depends on you. But as Fran said, nobody's talking about TOP price - just average.
You ask: "Do you expect the CWB to be exempt from these UPS and DOWNS of the market place?"
No, I would expect the CWB to exploit the highs and minimize the lows to get at least average prices.
(Again, you missed the point.)
We’re talking average price over the crop year. <b>AVERAGE.</b> Not “TOP price”. Wilagro – even you could do better on your own by just selling 10% each month from Sept to July. Or Aug to June. Whatever. It ain’t rocket science.
There’s something rotten at 423 Main Street and I am surprised that even you can’t smell it.