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Canola yeilds/price

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    Canola yeilds/price

    Whats the scoop with canola. Have been hearing huge yeilds out there. As high as 50 bus on dryland and 40 very common. From what I understand 30 bus is dissapointing. Where are we going with this? Read syngenta's report this morning that cash canola could dip below $9.

    Could be 11.5 mmt canola this year. Also, look for bigger wheat yields. Looks like canola will be back in the $8 to$9 range this winter, millimg wheat retreating to $5.50-$5.75 range.

    Fertiler likely has little downside, still lots of international subsidized demand, and US corn prices likely to stay north of $4.25


      Will the canola yield matter if the US soybean crop deteriates so that they will have to curb exports? Will canola just follow beans and what about the dryness in Brazil?


        Canola around here was better than I thought it would be early in the spring. about average for last 10 years if you take out the highest and lowest. In talking to someone from Humboldt big yields. Yet in talking to another from central Alberta they are 2 weeks behind and have not got ANY canola off yet.
        BTW high quality durum will be hard to find this year we were picking up some swaths yesterday and found slightly below average yields with 10 percent sprouted. I suspect we are like much of the durum area of Saskatchewan , which is what 40% of exportable supplies in the world. hopefully the board did not give it away again this year.


          I think that the central Alberta canola crop and 1/3 of the sask canola crop are going to be dissapointing in yeild and grade. You can not have frost for several nights when the canola is still green and have no effect. The early canola here is average and the late canola is damaged.


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