I travel throughout lots of Saskatchewan and Manitoba in the summer and have been criticised for my calling this years crop an average. Hey if your farming at Kamsack 60 wheat is average, 50 canola but if your farming at swift current 60 durum and 40 canola is a bumper. But this year with the quality problems in Alberta, southern Sask and Manitoba and the drought reduced crop in Northern Alberta plus frost damage it will come out as an average crop for most of Canada. But saying what your yields are is it really in the best interest of you the farmers. Come on its nice to brag that your canola went 60 but isn't it better to let the neighbors keep guessing for years what your canola really went. Having some people year after year telling tales of big yields yet when you look at his bin space, couple of 3300 bushel bins and a little pile on ground and then farm auction sale. I for one believe in being modest about your crops. I for one believe like my father, when some one asks hows yours running he always said yea its OK never a number just yea its OK.
Good luck with the harvest. (Watch the USA, Argentina and Australia Crops)
Good luck with the harvest. (Watch the USA, Argentina and Australia Crops)