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Cons cause duct tape shorttage !!!

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    Cons cause duct tape shorttage !!!

    First shortage in roundup ,then reglone ,bought fert in august due to possible 'shortage' and Now with the Ritz cracker shooting his mouth off- theres bound to be a shortage of Duct tape !!!

    The PM office will be ordering it by the case load for all his candidates and a double layer for his cabinet ministers -- with strict instructions do not remove till election is over-

    And Dion is responsible for all of the health care shortages because so many of his MP's are on life support.

    Jack Layton could very well be the next opposition leader.

    The mind wobbles!


      Fransisco, after your first sentence i did actually, Laugh Out Loud ! that ended quickly after reading your second, i agree with you, and that senaireo is frighteningly possible!


        the fact that this story is still making the news speaks of the desperation of the other parties, or more importantly the anti conservative media.....you could tell Lloyd Robertson could barely spit out the poll results released yesterday on ctv as to who the people thought could better handle the economy ....conservative by a huge margin in all the key polling areas.....

        the other parties, libs and greens specifically are carefull what they say as they have all turfed candidates based on anti-semitic and other out of line commentary....

        I accept Ritz apology, and i agree with Harper on the fact that they were jokes made in poor taste that were never meant to be broadcast beyond the privacy of a private conference call...

        The libs have to trot out Rae and Ignatieff to do the talking for Dion, and no more talk about carbon tax, just spending more with tax cuts......

        conservative have a chance at a majority with the the rest set to split the vote....


          Think back a couple years to the bse crisis ,Remember how "incensed" ritz was when an Ndp member commented on Mr. Shrub aka George Bush when talking about trying to get the border reopened?

          "he should resign his post , in this time of crisis its not the time to be making jokes" - Gerry Ritz

          Yes indeed Mr Ritz be wary of Peeing in the wind - you just might get sprayed-


            Starting to get a little sweaty hey mustard?

            Starting to think that maybe the sweetheart deals the cwb gave out to their best buddies may be history?

            Sad that you won't be taxed into some green oblivion?


              Silverback you must be conservative because you don't have a clue as to what a carbon tax is.

              What do you think of the "turning the corner' plan of the conservatives ?

              Remember income trust ? just wait ,the cons get elected and they let that little baby out of the bag and Alberta oil government will be thinking the nep is back



                Are you saying the 'green shaft' plan is 'better' thought out... and makes sense?

                I have seen nothing in the Conservative Party of Canada policy or election platform that would back your statement!

                SO... please let me in on your secret source... tell us what exactly you are talking about that justifies your 'fear mongering'!

                We are waiting for your answer... or was this just a bad joke in poor taste... you presented?

                IS DUCT TAPE needed for you mustardman?



                  "just wait ,the cons get elected and they let that little baby out of the bag and Alberta oil government will be thinking the nep is back"

                  The Alberta Government is creating the base line... and is in large part responsible for new federal regulations.

                  Carbon capture and reducing greenhouse gasses... are written in to the environmental plan of practically every Province in Canada. AND the April 2007 federal plan recoginses this fact... and coordinates with this reality.

                  THE GREEN SHAFT takes from some people... and is being offered as a tax break to voters who will elect a Liberal government.

                  BIG DIFFERENCE... you must agree.


                    Yea maybe I was exageratting just a little comparing the green shift to nep but I've been listening to Harper ads who claims the world will end if the green shift happens.

                    We even have our new premier Mr Wall coming out with figures- that he makes up on the go - about how Sask will be affected
                    "electricity bills will be up 40% and $500 million will leave the province" -Brad Wall
                    When asked what evidence there is to support these claims he can't give us any...
                    Taken from Bruce Johnstone -financial editor Star Phoenix column

                    What do the real experts Say ?

                    Jack Mintz a professor of public policy at University of Calgary recently compared the Conservatives regulatory approach and the Liberals carbon tax.
                    His Conclusion? Both systems have their advantages and disadvantages.

                    The advantage of the of the Liberal plan is that it will price carbon more generally rather than target specific sectors like the Tory plan.

                    The carbon tax will also tax consumption rather than production, and domestic consumption , rather than exports. The tax will apply to all regions of the country, but particularly those with large resource and manufacturing sectors, which are large energy users.
                    The advantages of the Tory plan is that it is "more directed at reducing carbon" than the liberal carbon tax. Mintz says and the Tory plan is "quite tough on companies to find carbon reducing technologies" he says.

                    But as Mintz points out ,the Tory plan is not without its costs. It's just difficult to estimate those costs with precision.
                    "Each plan could substanially affect prices paid by Canadians. Each approach has its merits and demerits, Mintz said.
                    The Canadian Taxpayers Federation has estimated the cost of the Conservative's plan at 0.5 per cent of GDP or $7 Billion to $8 billion a year in economic output inorder to meet the goverment's targets of reducing carbon emissions "intensity" by 18 per cent by 2010.

                    While no fans of carbon tax , the CTF says the Conservatives regulatory approach will penalize energy intensive industries twice by forcing them to invest in carbon reducing technology and then by paying higher energy prices.
                    "these cost increases could hurt the international competitiveness of the biggest companies in Canada" the CTF says.
                    The point here is that neither scheme is perfect nor without its costs. Both put a price on carbon and both will require changes in the way we do business and consume energy.
                    Other countries like Sweeden have introduced carbon taxes, at much more onerous levels, and their economies haven't collapsed.
                    For Harper to claim that the carbon tax will destroy the economy, or break up the country, for crying out loud, is taking political rhetoric to a new low, even one noted for defecating puffins.


                      I'm really tired of these so very polite politicians demanding apologies and firings from each other!
                      I think every time an MP farts Jack Layton is calling for them to apologise and resign.


                        And how would any of you feel if it was your wife or husband, son or daughter who died because of this outbreak. Mind boggling that anyone could defend those actions, sometimes politics has to be outweighed by common decency, or actually it always should.

                        Would also be nice if at least one of the parties running would have an agriculture policy as part of their campaign. The only policy of the Libs is keep CWB, Conservatives get rid of it, NDP who cares.


                          And how would any of you feel if it was your wife or husband, son or daughter who died because of this outbreak. Mind boggling that anyone could defend those actions, sometimes politics has to be outweighed by common decency, or actually it always should.

                          Would also be nice if at least one of the parties running would have an agriculture policy as part of their campaign. The only policy of the Libs is keep CWB, Conservatives get rid of it, NDP who cares.


                            And how would any of you feel if it was your wife or husband, son or daughter who died because of this outbreak. Mind boggling that anyone could defend those actions, sometimes politics has to be outweighed by common decency, or actually it always should.

                            Would also be nice if at least one of the parties running would have an agriculture policy as part of their campaign. The only policy of the Libs is keep CWB, Conservatives get rid of it, NDP who cares.


                              I'm going to have to agree with mustard here. The Conservative cap and trade plan is not much better than the Libs carbon tax. Frankly, both ideas suck.

                              Prices are telling us its time to drill and burn!


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