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A little note to the agrium dealers?

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    A little note to the agrium dealers?

    Apparently a notice was sent out to agrium dealers last Friday about a Chinnese company offering the Huts 46-0-0 for $700/tn. This is landed in their yards from China! The sh!t show may start to happen. Oh but wait, this may be sub par product - whatever. Hopefully the North American fert manufactures get a wake up call. The current fert prices are total B/S here in North America. I would not buy a drop right now - time to sit at the poker table and call their bluff guys.

    are the retailers holding firm with their pricing?? yara prices for urea have droped a little more than $100.00/t since July 31. what gives??


      If it comes from china, the 46-0-0 probably contains 100 percent melamine. LOL.


        If this is a legit deal, I say good on the hutterites for working together and making such trades. They are true capitalists.

        This is opposed to the average joe saskachewan farmer trying to bicker on an individual 100 tonne fertilizer purchase. Cargill (Mosaic) et.al can't stop laughing .

        Hey Franny... too bad your stinky pigs didn't crap excess nitrates in the same amounts as phosphates.


          Hey, you can make fun of what comes out of the back of my pigs all you like, it does wonders for the bottom line of my grain operation.

          I think maybe your just a little bit jealous.

          BTW- Have you ever thought of changing your handle to dungbeetle? You sure seem to swim around in it a lot.


            Go ahead and pay full bore for your speacial made in Canada fert. Time will tell, I may be right I may be wrong. Grainbug, should we all just sit back and be the same? Do we all have to pay the same b/c some of you can not think for your self? Do not be affraid to do something different than what your "best" buddy tells you at Viagra.
            BTW, the Huts did not work out this deal, it came to them - think about that. The Olympics are over and China's fert plants are runnin full bore, screw the environment. China is going to sell into the hottest market on the planet - North America. Most of their farmers are still seeding with Oxen.
            Think about it, if China is offering Fert into Canada - What have we been told for the last ten months about demand? but go ahead and dis this fact, but do not whine and complain about your outstanding fert bills later.
            Kenny Rodgers - Know when to show 'em, know when to fold 'em.
            Grainbug, I dare you to buy fert now there pal!!! You may be selling out by spring when the CWB sells your wheat for $4/bus and you pay $1000/tn for fert today.


              maybe its time time to summerfallow.
              thats what 1000$/tonne 46 will bring.
              if we were smart we would have our own production facilities in the middle east.
              i don't know what natural gas is worth there but a year ago it was 1/5 of here.
              in the meantime maybe fna or somebody could source from china, because the big fert co.s probably have the middle east production locked up.
              if north amercian farmers cut N usage by 1/2 we would probably all be better off. what would grain prices do
              we can pretend competition will bring us the lowest price but unless we have our own production fac. there is no way to keep them honest


                Has anyone looked at FNA pricing for fert? If so whats the story?
                I talked to a large grower yesterday that is going to chemfallow 20% and put pulses on 20% - His fert dealer almost cried. Has not seeded pulses for 8 years.
                We are going to chemfallow about that 20% as well, keep the pulses in high gear. Chemfallow/smf canola yeilds here were almost double this year - At $75/ac less input risk. But one thing we will not do is cut back on the nutients for the crops that need them.


                  boys, why do you think the price of glyphosate has gone up so much since spring, this has all been planned out ahead, (what farmer will till with fuel prices where they are) so either you spray or plant. "They're" ahead of the curve and we're behind the eight ball.


                    With fuel at current levels and generic glyphosate's at $8 / liter i can run the cult or tandem disc over a few times and get the tough to kill weeds then spray out the volunteers and easy to kill stuff the rest of the year with a 1/4 liter per pass and maybe a little 2,4D and/or generic Banvel spot sprayed. Did 700 acres this year as above and worked out allot cheaper except for the time in the seat to get it done!! A shot of 24d and a LITTLE glyph in the fall and i wont have to think about working or spraying until mid june anyway.Was continuous crop for 12 years, now 1/4 to 1/2 smf depending on rotations and input/crop prices and weather. the smf yields have been much better the last two years (have been fertilizing the smf) and then can cut back on fert or seed a pulse the next year. Not mining the soil, that goes backwards real fast.


                      Can someone please explain to me how tillage makes sense today at $8/l glyphosate, but did not make sense 7 or 8 years ago when we were happy to pay $8/L, instead of $10. I bought glphosate in the US at CDN $3.30/L a couple years ago and have completely missed the boat on this year's price increases, but I still say it sucks but can not see tillage helping my situation. I also can not see increasing my SMF acres as a way to reduce fertilizer costs, because my overall revenue/farm would fall in half. You still have to have a balanced approach to the issue. I do realize though that my first 20 bu of stubble durum may have to pay the fert bill and that is also a scary thought, but still say it may be better then getting minus 50-75 dollars on half my acres. Increase pulse acres too much and we will be at 10 cent lentils.


                        Furrow: you said, "BTW, the Huts did not work out this deal, it came to them - think about that". This doesnt take much thinking, why did the offer go to the hutts, and not you? They work in large groups, develop critical mass, for the betterment of their communities.

                        As for the price of N and P, so long as wheat stays above 6$, and canola above $8.25, I can still make a profit at $1400 Nh3 and $1850 p205.

                        Summerfallow is too expensive for me.


                          And the Hut's don't have to put a gun against anyone's head to do it either. They work together on a <b>VOLUNTARY</b> basis. It doesn't take much thinking to figure that one out either.

                          Funny how you missed it though grainbeetle.


                            Grain Beetle you missed my point. It does not matter who, what, where. The thing is when, after we have been told here in north America that China and India are sucking fert out of here so we must pay more. I said a loang time ago that this was bogus, and now I know I was right


                              What a joke!! We are told world wide demand has raised fert prices, now China is selling fertilizer they supposedly need!!


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