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CFA Agriculture Debate Online - Link is Here

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    CFA Agriculture Debate Online - Link is Here

    I saw this and thought it would be of interest.

    CPAC Special
    Canadian Federation of Agriculture’s Agriculture Debate

    CPAC provides online coverage from Ottawa where the Canadian Federation of Agriculture hosts its all-candidates agriculture debate. Moderated by Hugh Maynard, the debate features Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food, Gerry Ritz, Liberal Agriculture critic, Wayne Easter, the NDP’s Tony Martin, and members from the Bloc Québécois and Green Party. See how the parties respond to questions from farmers across Canada and how they will address the sector’s concerns such as food safety, marketing, foreign subsidies and more.

    <a href="http://www.cpac.ca/forms/index.asp?dsp=template&act=view3&pagetype=vod&lang =e&clipID=1969"target="blank"> Click Here to find the CPAC online streaming video that can be watched.</a>

    Conservative agriculture platform responds to farmer requests

    OTTAWA--The Canadian Federation of Agriculture today responded to the Conservative Party agriculture platform with overall positive reviews. Released late yesterday, the Conservative's platform demonstrates the party has listened to a number of key requests made by CFA members, who together represent 225,000 farm families.

    Over the last year, CFA has been actively promoting its AgriFlex proposal, advocating a regional and commodity-specific approach that would complement current BRM programs.

    "Farmers are pleased the Conservatives have upheld the importance of delivering responsive and flexible business risk management programs," said Laurent Pellerin, CFA 1st Vice President. "For our horticultural and livestock sectors in particular, the announcement of $500 million over four years for an agriculture flexibility program, is good news."

    On the subject of marketing structures, CFA has strongly called for recognition that farmers alone--not their competitors or governments--should have the right to determine the structure of orderly marketing structures, such as the Canadian Wheat Board.

    "CFA is encouraged to see the Conservatives acknowledge that farmers should be free to determine the way their grain products are marketed," said Ron Bonnett, CFA 2nd Vice President. "But we also urge the Conservatives to commit to an open democratic process regarding the future of the CWB--without allowing outside interveners to distort the process--and a clear two-question plebiscite on the issue."

    CFA also acknowledged that trade issues were recognized with the Conservative-pledge to continue with the balanced Canadian approach in trade negotiations that protects the supply management sector and attempts to capture new profitable markets for our export-oriented sectors.

    Farmers have also been calling for and were pleased to see the proposed $50-million fund and regulatory improvements that would support additional livestock slaughter capacity to ensure that Canada has a competitive livestock sector.

    The announced Conservative plan to reduce by half the excise tax was also welcomed by farmers resulting in a potential savings of more than $40 million in production and transportation costs. CFA has been calling for a full elimination of the excise tax for many years and commends the Conservatives for this positive first step.

    While the platform contained many positives for the agri-food industry, the CFA would encourage that it be broadened to include more in the areas of ecological goods and services and food safety. The platform needs to recognize the role of farmers as solution-providers and include more incentive-driven proposals to work with farmers to address climate change. Furthermore farmers would like to see a reference to continued support for food safety in the Conservative platform.

    "It is vital that we secure and maintain long-term government funding for industry-developed on-farm food safety programs that build consumer confidence in Canadian food products, here at home and abroad," said Pellerin. "Farm groups across Canada have been very successful in launching on-farm programs in partnership with government to ensure food safety and product traceability. This continued support must continue to be priority for the next government."

    Farmers anticipate the opportunity to hear first-hand about the Conservative's platform and those of other parties during Monday's National Agriculture Debate, which Minister Ritz will attend along with opposition party agricultural representatives. The debate will take place in Ottawa at the Fairmont Chateau Laurier, 11 a.m.-1 p.m.

    About the Canadian Federation of Agriculture

    Founded in 1935 to provide Canada's farmers with a single voice in Ottawa, the Canadian Federation of Agriculture is the country's largest farmers' organization. Its members include provincial general farm organizations, national and inter-provincial commodity organizations, and cooperatives from every province. Through its members, CFA represents over 225,000 Canadian farmers and farm families.


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