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Stats Can Crop Production Forecast released Today (Oct. 2)

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    Stats Can Crop Production Forecast released Today (Oct. 2)

    Stats Can released their mid fall (based on a survey early September) today.

    Source: http://www.statcan.ca/Daily/English/081002/d081002a.htm

    Production of principal field crops

    September 2008

    Previous releaseFarmers, in mid-harvest, reported they expect to produce 10.9 million metric tonnes of canola, exceeding the previous record of 9.5 million tonnes produced in 2007. Wheat excluding durum production is reported to be up 35.6% over 2007. In Eastern Canada, Quebec farmers anticipate a record production of 615 000 tonnes of soybeans.

    At the time of the September Farm Survey, crop maturity and the fall harvest in the West were delayed by cool conditions and excess moisture. Harvest conditions were most advanced in southern regions but they improved considerably in most areas after the survey had taken place.

    Canola production up
    Canola production is expected to rise to 10.9 million tonnes, 1.4 million tonnes above the previous high of 9.5 million tonnes reported in 2007. This exceeds the pre-harvest July estimate by 495 000 tonnes. Production should increase mainly as a result of an above-average yield of 30.6 bushels per acre.

    On the Prairies, where 99% of canola is grown, farmers expect to exceed the previous record production in each province. The mid-harvest yields reported in the September survey showed an improvement over the pre-harvest yields from the July survey in both Manitoba and Saskatchewan.

    Wheat excluding durum production expected to exceed five-year average
    Farmers expect to harvest 22.2 million tonnes of wheat excluding durum, up 35.6% from 16.4 million tonnes in 2007 and easily exceeding the previous five-year average (2003 to 2007) production of 19.4 million tonnes. A 15.0% increase in harvested area and a yield of 42.8 bushels per acre account for this increase.

    Production in Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta is expected to increase over 2007, exceeding their previous five-year provincial averages.

    Mid-harvest yields showed improvement in all Prairie provinces compared with the pre-harvest yields reported in July.
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