Jul 31, 08 775 820 516 1727
Aug 07, 08 810 815 543 1727
Aug 14, 08 800 793 523 1727
Aug 21, 08 843 770 532 1727
Aug 28, 08 853 790 530 2268
Sep 04, 08 880 803 519 2268
Sep 11, 08 880 770 510 2268
Sep 18, 08 870 713 531 2268
Sep 25, 08 860 645 538 2268
Oct 01, 08 835 590 505 2138
Fert is starting to drop. Wow one would have to guess that since farmers all over the globe are getting kicked in the head buy current financial meltdown, all are thinking like myself the price of inputs are way to high and we wont use them if the prices continue to decrease.
Simply if Canola is 7 next fall at 40 = $280.00 an acre if it gets hot in July that's 30 if it freezes early that's 25. Sask crop insurance still with changes coming not address this.
Fert costs as of today
100lbs anhydrous plus 80lb blend of 11 51 and 21-0-0 21 cost at today's prices = $140.00 close to half a excellent crop or more at 25 you have 35.00 for your bills at 30 ,70 for your bills or 40 = 140 for your bills. Now take just seeding and keep back 1/4 of this years crop for next year and take seed right out of the bin.
Seed = 1. seed treatment spray for bugs 2. an acre
No fert or next to nothing.
Crop 12 - 15 or 20 = 84.00 or 105 or 140 plus 1/4 of this years crop your money ahead.
Other thing to watch with canceled sales on fert coming due to credit problems and fert dealers on a shoe string to watch for fert bankruptsys coming.
Don't be stupid and believe that the price has no where to go but up. They screwed us for a year on plain and simple greed not supply and demand now let them eat their cake. Food is food and if all get smarter at who is in control of the situation now its us. So before you blow out your crop to buy fert sit back take some holidays and relax whats the worse thing that can happen you pay today's price next spring if the markets turn around. You still have your product to sell and we aren't going to be seeding a crop for another 7 months.
Aug 07, 08 810 815 543 1727
Aug 14, 08 800 793 523 1727
Aug 21, 08 843 770 532 1727
Aug 28, 08 853 790 530 2268
Sep 04, 08 880 803 519 2268
Sep 11, 08 880 770 510 2268
Sep 18, 08 870 713 531 2268
Sep 25, 08 860 645 538 2268
Oct 01, 08 835 590 505 2138
Fert is starting to drop. Wow one would have to guess that since farmers all over the globe are getting kicked in the head buy current financial meltdown, all are thinking like myself the price of inputs are way to high and we wont use them if the prices continue to decrease.
Simply if Canola is 7 next fall at 40 = $280.00 an acre if it gets hot in July that's 30 if it freezes early that's 25. Sask crop insurance still with changes coming not address this.
Fert costs as of today
100lbs anhydrous plus 80lb blend of 11 51 and 21-0-0 21 cost at today's prices = $140.00 close to half a excellent crop or more at 25 you have 35.00 for your bills at 30 ,70 for your bills or 40 = 140 for your bills. Now take just seeding and keep back 1/4 of this years crop for next year and take seed right out of the bin.
Seed = 1. seed treatment spray for bugs 2. an acre
No fert or next to nothing.
Crop 12 - 15 or 20 = 84.00 or 105 or 140 plus 1/4 of this years crop your money ahead.
Other thing to watch with canceled sales on fert coming due to credit problems and fert dealers on a shoe string to watch for fert bankruptsys coming.
Don't be stupid and believe that the price has no where to go but up. They screwed us for a year on plain and simple greed not supply and demand now let them eat their cake. Food is food and if all get smarter at who is in control of the situation now its us. So before you blow out your crop to buy fert sit back take some holidays and relax whats the worse thing that can happen you pay today's price next spring if the markets turn around. You still have your product to sell and we aren't going to be seeding a crop for another 7 months.