Operating debt free (not operating loan) may be a privelege of someone who is 50 plus, been in the business of farming for 20 years plus and has no kids coming back. A 30 year old who is entering the business or someone who is wanting to grow will have a different story.
Don't know if anyone is a landlord here but I expect they want to be paid on the agreed date. Don't expect that these landlords care whether the money is money in the bank or from an operating loan.
To the original thought, credit is the fuel that drives the whole supply chain. Every grain company (including the CWB) borrows money to finance inventory. Every machine dealer, input supplier borrows money. Companies that process grain into things like flour, ethanol, beer, likely borrows money. Access to money into today's world and perhaps cost of money should be major concerns. Farmers are only part of this process.
Don't know if anyone is a landlord here but I expect they want to be paid on the agreed date. Don't expect that these landlords care whether the money is money in the bank or from an operating loan.
To the original thought, credit is the fuel that drives the whole supply chain. Every grain company (including the CWB) borrows money to finance inventory. Every machine dealer, input supplier borrows money. Companies that process grain into things like flour, ethanol, beer, likely borrows money. Access to money into today's world and perhaps cost of money should be major concerns. Farmers are only part of this process.