Never heard of anything so, not sure of the word. It is impossible to buy land and equipment of any size by saving up from an outside job. How do you save up money to buy land thats costs $100000 to $200000 a quarter or a combine that even used sells for $200000? You are not running your business properly if you are not borrowing. Why not borrow at 5% to make a return of 10% to 50%. Its called leverage. What a simplistic comment you have made and shows to me the size and scope of your farm. Does not surprise me in the least that your a devout CWB supporter.
Never heard of anything so, not sure of the word. It is impossible to buy land and equipment of any size by saving up from an outside job. How do you save up money to buy land thats costs $100000 to $200000 a quarter or a combine that even used sells for $200000? You are not running your business properly if you are not borrowing. Why not borrow at 5% to make a return of 10% to 50%. Its called leverage. What a simplistic comment you have made and shows to me the size and scope of your farm. Does not surprise me in the least that your a devout CWB supporter.