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Does it ever make you wonder?

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    Does it ever make you wonder?

    After watching the market meltdown and the trillions of dollars the governments have poured into it to save the world from financial collapse - Does it ever make you wonder why supporting agriculture is such a big deal?

    The very things that people were criticizing farmers for - new equipment/trucks etc. - are exactly why this mess happened in the first place. The difference is it took trillions to fix it. If it gets fixed. Also I find it amazing at how quick governments reacted. You did't read about people having to get second and third jobs to at least try to bail themselves out. Nope they just CRIED to the government and poof there was the bailout.

    I remember people telling me jokes about how deep to bury farmers - 2 feet so they still get their handout.

    The billions they through at ag are peanuts compared to this mess.

    Sure makes me wonder about people living beyond there means. At least it seems my life has a purpose.

    I guess you could now use the same joke for BANKERS !


      And the big three automakers.


        and insurance companies!


          But here is the difference. When the government bails farmers out they spend the money for the good of the local/national economy.

          Maybe someone could explain how these do nothing jobs are going to help the economy. Their heads are below water and they have their shoes in concrete and no air in their lungs. They could sink the life perserver.

          At least with farmers they will use the money to put in another crop effectively. The general population will try to figure out which rv to refinance. There is a big difference. And the money will always be better spent on farmers.


            I have to chuckle when proponents of “true capitalists” state that in agriculture and other industries "let the markets dictate."
            Seems that only applies until it is your turn;-)
            But hey, it is nice to see how socialist we can become when the "chips" are "down."


              Yes isn't it true when the far right exclaim how the free market system will look after everything the strong will survive as they should and anyone or anything that can't do'er doesn't belong. That is of course until those so called strong that have been living off the backs of the dissappearing middle class end up having their own greed overtake them. then of course pour the money in because the system cannot run. Can't run for who? It's not working and hasn't been working for the majority of families for a long time. So to make the middle class feel as though times are good give em more credit who cares if they can't pay it back as long as they sign away their capital. Who should care is the so called strong upperclass because when the middle and lower income people don't have any actual legitimate buying power the system gets to where it is now. Don't get me wrong we live in the greatest place on earth but we cannot ignore that there is too much wealth going to too many at the so called top!


                Well for the record (once again) I'm not one of those. I'm just adding to things to the bailout list.

                To me there is no such thing as "too big to fail" and what concerns me now is that we may have reached a point where these things are too big to bailout and they are taking everyone else along for the ride.


                  The bigger picture is there are no names or faces to this. None of the fatcats want to put up there hand to say they had any responsibility in the collapse. But they all want their great big paycheques and walk around **** of the walk when things are good.

                  Its almost like talking to the cwb. Ask who is responsible or who puts programs in place and who can explain them and there are no faces. In a couple of weeks who is going to explain shipping grain around the world with no credit and who will ultimately be on the hook for the loss.But no one at the cwb will say maybe we should back away from the market right now. A few months ago farmers could not price grain because it was too volatile. Shouldn't the cwb be using the same due diligence when selling our grain given the current market conditions.

                  Who will say they gave our grain away when it doesn't get paid for this year?

                  The fundamentals have not changed enough to put spring wheat back to 4 bucks canadian.


                    I agree bucket, the world is not awash in food. One wrong turn in production, I.E. Australia drought/freeze or S.A. cut in production, and the world is out of food within a few months - that is still the current reality regardless of current markets on wall street, Cbot or ICE.


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