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Conservative Minority

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    Conservative Minority

    400 Million so we could change some seats. I could have spent my share on a case of beer and would have enjoyed it more. Harper gambled with our money and lost , what a leader. So Liberals elect a new leader force an election and give Harper the boot.

    Liberals will be sitting on their hands for a long time Agstar.


      Oh, I don't know, he picked up another twenty or so seats. Maybe this is what the famous Tory incrementalism is supposed to look like.

      So Vader, what's it going to be, are you in or out for the CWB election?


        Nettie Wiebe losing in Saskatoon-Rosetown. Yay. To bad Ralph had to hang on.


          Agstar, how come the 400 mil for the election bothers you but the billion dollars a year the CWB pools come in under average pricing every year is A-okay with you?


            Just remember the masses have short memories, look what Mulhroney did. If Harper couldn't get a majority with Dion as leader what would he have done if the Libs had a more photogenic leader? The economy is tanking and who will get the blame?


              You didn't answer Fransisco's question Agstar.


                So the liberals can now tweak the green shift, wonder if anyone mentioned to them that we already pay enough tax of fuel? The stuff comes out of the ground right under your feet Agstar! We should get to use the stuff dam it.


                  You mean his imaginary Billion? Rick Mercer says its only 300 Million and its real. They all have to get down to business, it's the economy stupid!


                    Agstar, the Liberals are so far from being ready for another election. They have not paid off their leadership campain debts. After this election they are likely completely broke and they are heading into another leadership campain. It will be a long time till they have all their ducks in a row.


                      That could be Harpers strategy , bankrupt the Liberals and the country.


                        It's based on 100% wheat board numbers and simple math agstar. You can keep pretending the loses aren't real but everyone who bothers to look knows that they are.


                          You know, beer and popcorn taste good together - again.

                          You should try it agstar, it might curb that sore loser feeling you've got right now.

                          Bankrupt the country, you really don't get it do you.


                            Obviously dions done. But the worst part maybe who replaces him. Rae iggy trudeau - all more incompetent than the cwb masters or dion.

                            Flaman will have his nomination papers in by the deadline. Remember he has changed his mind before. And he has to take care of his interests.

                            I don't get the wascana riding - they are sort of like bloc supporters - they must want to be left out.(pun intended)


                              Randy Hoback big win
                              Gerry Ritz big win

                              Nettie Wiebe loser
                              Rod Flamen loser
                              David Orchard loser
                              Bob Freisen loser

                              Stephan Dion under the bus

                              Easter and Goodale survive, but struggling to rearrange the deck chairs on the good ship Liberal.

                              Craig Oliver the angriest man on TV tonight, maybe agstar is Craig Oliver?

                              Flamen will have a few federal election expenses to cover.


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