That could be Harpers strategy , bankrupt the Liberals and the country.
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You know, beer and popcorn taste good together - again.
You should try it agstar, it might curb that sore loser feeling you've got right now.
Bankrupt the country, you really don't get it do you.
Obviously dions done. But the worst part maybe who replaces him. Rae iggy trudeau - all more incompetent than the cwb masters or dion.
Flaman will have his nomination papers in by the deadline. Remember he has changed his mind before. And he has to take care of his interests.
I don't get the wascana riding - they are sort of like bloc supporters - they must want to be left out.(pun intended)
Randy Hoback big win
Gerry Ritz big win
Nettie Wiebe loser
Rod Flamen loser
David Orchard loser
Bob Freisen loser
Stephan Dion under the bus
Easter and Goodale survive, but struggling to rearrange the deck chairs on the good ship Liberal.
Craig Oliver the angriest man on TV tonight, maybe agstar is Craig Oliver?
Flamen will have a few federal election expenses to cover.
What kind of answer is "You mean his imaginary Billion? Rick Mercer says its only 300 Million and its real. They all have to get down to business, it's the economy stupid!"
It's simple math - the final pool return on wheat is $100/tonne BELOW the average CWB selling price for the 07-08 crop year.
On the 13.4 million tonnes in the pool, that totals $1.34 BILLION.
The CWB got you $1.34 BILLION less in the pool than you would've gotten with just average prices.
This has nothing to do with Rick Mercer.
Is this sinking in at all?
This election was called only because the libs and the new dummy party made it imposible to govern one of the finest countries on earth. Under the libs the west was/is a cash cow for the east, and you live here, WTF is the matter with you??? No party is the perfect answer but the rest of the world is/has noticed where good policy and a stable gov't is, right in your backyard under a consevative gov't.
IMO, Canada is about to lead the world out of the current financial souphole B/C of pollicies put in place by this concervative gov't 18 months ago. Bash me if you want, the gloves are off, this ain't figureskating anymore agstump. Unless you live with Paul Martin in the Bahamas and are too drunk to put up a fight all on tax free money.
No furrowtickler this election was called because Harper is a controlling bastard who has to have complete control and cannot work with anyone.
It will be no different this time
Dion will be gone , Harper will be gone if he can't win a majority under the easiest of circumstances he never will.
And we should ALL Apologize to our children and grandchildren when we vote in a party whose environmental policy is suspect at best
The carbon tax policy has worked well for years in Scandinavian countries.
It's an easy policy to trash for the cons because its hard to explain in 30 second sound bites.
Hey's a simple carbon tax policy that can be explained in 30 seconds. Put a large carbon tax on the actual end user ie. the consumer, curb demand drastically downward and the dirty rotton producers will not produce so much. Voila...less carbon emmissions. Oh but wait...the voting public are the consumers so we can't do that and ever hope to get elected....let's run with a green shift (green being money)!
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