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Conservative Minority

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    hey gust - if you win maybe you ought to check to see that the cwb didn't cover flamans election expense.



      What kind of answer is "You mean his imaginary Billion? Rick Mercer says its only 300 Million and its real. They all have to get down to business, it's the economy stupid!"

      It's simple math - the final pool return on wheat is $100/tonne BELOW the average CWB selling price for the 07-08 crop year.

      On the 13.4 million tonnes in the pool, that totals $1.34 BILLION.

      The CWB got you $1.34 BILLION less in the pool than you would've gotten with just average prices.

      This has nothing to do with Rick Mercer.

      Is this sinking in at all?


        This election was called only because the libs and the new dummy party made it imposible to govern one of the finest countries on earth. Under the libs the west was/is a cash cow for the east, and you live here, WTF is the matter with you??? No party is the perfect answer but the rest of the world is/has noticed where good policy and a stable gov't is, right in your backyard under a consevative gov't.
        IMO, Canada is about to lead the world out of the current financial souphole B/C of pollicies put in place by this concervative gov't 18 months ago. Bash me if you want, the gloves are off, this ain't figureskating anymore agstump. Unless you live with Paul Martin in the Bahamas and are too drunk to put up a fight all on tax free money.


          No furrowtickler this election was called because Harper is a controlling bastard who has to have complete control and cannot work with anyone.

          It will be no different this time

          Dion will be gone , Harper will be gone if he can't win a majority under the easiest of circumstances he never will.

          And we should ALL Apologize to our children and grandchildren when we vote in a party whose environmental policy is suspect at best

          The carbon tax policy has worked well for years in Scandinavian countries.
          It's an easy policy to trash for the cons because its hard to explain in 30 second sound bites.


            Hey Mustardman....here's a simple carbon tax policy that can be explained in 30 seconds. Put a large carbon tax on the actual end user ie. the consumer, curb demand drastically downward and the dirty rotton producers will not produce so much. Voila...less carbon emmissions. Oh but wait...the voting public are the consumers so we can't do that and ever hope to get elected....let's run with a green shift (green being money)!


              I've got a great idea with our fixed elections law- here it goes-
              If a minority gov't calls an election when it is not forced [like harper did] and it does not get a majority, then IT CAN PAY THE $300 MILLION IT COSTS TO RUN AN ELECTION !!!!


                Good idea `tardman......the Fiberals are BROKE so lets get someone else to pay!!They talk like they`re pissed and BROKE!!


                  Give your head a shake flopduster, and if you think we needed to spend a mere $300 million to end up with the same results - then give your head another shake


                    The Conservatives got more seats and the Liberals got more debt. What's not to like?

                    Sure it'd be better if they got a minority but ol Stefie and the boys are going to be sitting on their hands for a long while cause they can't afford another election any time soon.


                      Oops I meant it'd be better if they got a majority, not minority



                        Any night we can watch the liberanos loose about 20 seats... and a whole bunch of popular vote... is a really good night and well worth the money!

                        Too bad Dion won't be around for another federal election... he is a gift horse that was as good as they get!

                        Quebec will be Quebec... not much else to expect from those who expect to be paid to take our (TROC's) money and hard work... because they can...

                        What has changed?

                        If the Liberals were right... DIon would be PM... and the CWB would be King of the Castle!... instead they are just the dirty rascle... and will play it to the end of the run as dirty as they can!

                        Goodale is in only because he wants to be the Liberano Leader... now Dion is done like Thanksgiving dinner... Goodale will pick the bones and make turkey delight!


                          Yes, the cons had their chance and Harper blew it. Trying to appease Quebecois and they spit in his face. There is still a lingering distrust of the cons in Quebec. With the passage of time the Liberanos misdeeds will fade with likes of Molhroney's. In two years the cons will face a new Liberal leader , who knows what will happen. It won't be Ralph. The cons will have to moderate their right wing and become more like the former Progressives. Canada has always been more of a centerist country and this election has confirmed it.



                            scroll down to the map. It looks like The west and rural Canada versus urban Canada and Quebec to me.

                            How are the results versus 2006 considered "centerist"? Where did the votes swing to the center?


                            CON 143 0 143 37.63
                            LIB 76 0 76 26.24
                            BQ 50 0 50 9.97
                            NDP 37 0 37 18.20
                            IND 2 0 2 0.65
                            GRN 0 0 0 6.80
                            OTH 0 0 0 0.51


                            CON 124 0 36.27%
                            LIB 103 0 30.23%
                            BQ 51 0 10.48%
                            NDP 29 0 17.48%
                            IND 1 0 .52%
                            OTH 0 0 5.02%


                              Centerist in the political sense right versus left.


                                Canada had it's chance to give Harper a majority and rejected him. Thus the Centerist title, our society has never been right wing or left wing.


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