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Conservative Minority

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    I like Gerry Nichols take on the outcome, you can spin it either way.

    Every party was a winner last night:

    The Tories strengthened their minority government made gains across the country and even won a few urban seats.

    The Liberals, despite having a weak leader, revitalized its brand in Quebec and held onto its core urban support base. It's now well poised to make huge gains in the next election.

    The NDP increased its number of seats and made gains in BC, Ontario and in Atlantic Canada.

    The Bloc Quebecois held firm and continues to be the most dominant federal party in Quebec.

    The Green enjoyed a breakthrough year, gaining wide attention for its platform and increasing its popular vote.

    Or ....

    Every party was a loser last night.

    The Tories failed to win a majority government despite facing the weakest Liberal leader in 100 years and its scheme to achieve an electoral breakthrough in Quebec was a major bust.

    The Liberals got crushed; they lost seats and declined in the popular vote. Even worse, they now have Justin Trudeau in their caucus.

    The NDP failed to leap ahead of the faltering Liberals and will once again settle for third place.

    The Bloc failed to dislodge the Tory beachhead in Quebec.

    The Greens despite massive publicity and a fawning media failed to win a single seat and their leader may have tainted the brand name with cynical political games.


      Who cares, which of these guys/gals are stealing from you. Polotics is mostly bullsh-t based, a popularity contest at best. The economy is government now, or haven't you noticed. It is the new world order. The stock market is King, even when its in the dumpster. Greed and corruption rule. Bailouts apply. Why does anyone even bother to vote? Its a wasted of time and effort!!!!!


        No, it was the canadian people who were losers , wasted over 300 million that could have been spent on the shortage of nursing homes or various other worthwhile causes. Instead we fed these politicos egos. The waitng list for the local nursing home for my 95 year old father is over a year, that's important, not Lefty Jack, wimpy Stephan or arrogant Steve!


          Agstar if government can't do a good job of looking after your father what makes you think it can do a good job of selling your wheat?


            One thing that still bewilders me is that provincialy NDP is strong in sask, but fed it all conservative now? I have never figured this one out. The NDP was borne in Sask but get trashed in a fed election. Let me guess, that 1940's crowd is dying out? The wrutung is on the wall for the CWB as well. There is only so many wheel chairs in Sask and there runin low.


              Maybe you should read the post again, only you would link everything to the CWB. Nursing homes do a good job ,it's the government that doesn't find it a priority. Instead they waste money on elections every two years.



                You are typical liberal. You want everyone else to care of your father. Why don't you suck it up with the premiums from the cwb and pay for your father's care out of your own pocket. There are plenty of private homes. Too cheap to pay and want everyone else to pay the bill. Typical cwb supporter/liberal.


                  Agstar you are blaming the government for a shortage of nursing homes. You are blaming the government for not making it a priority.

                  Part of doing a good job is not only having high quality care but making sure it's available. Our health care system is similar, you get good care, if you can get it. But as you know no care, is not good care and neither is a waiting list.

                  Personally I would rather have the means to look after my own family than having to put my faith in some pencil pushing bureaucrat. But as long as its illegal for me to buy the proper insurance in this country I'm stuck with the government system.

                  And guess what as long as it stays a government system it is never going to be a priority.

                  The government system sees your father and others in his situation as a problem, as another expense that they don't need. A free enterprise system would look at him as a customer and as an opportunity.


                    "The government system sees your father and others in his situation as a problem, as another expense that they don't need. A free enterprise system would look at him as a customer and as an opportunity."---Francisco

                    Yes, an opportunity to suck the last dollar out of an ill or dying person in order to make maximum profit. Gimme a break, private nursing homes are beyond most family's means.


                      So you make money for some purpose other than supporting your own life and your loved ones?

                      And who is it that automatically takes 50% of everything you earn, making it that much harder to look after yourself?

                      Let me guess willy, your money is just for big screen tv's and holiday's is that it? It's up to the government to provide everything else.


                        I think that Franny is actually Rush Limbaugh


                          More like "Lush" Limbaugh.


                            The highest paid guy on the radio today? I'll take that as a complement.

                            Thanks guys!



                              GOOD POINT ABOUT AGSTAR AND HIS FATHER.


                              GO HAVE A LONG HARD LOOK IN THE MIRROR.


                              S.H.A.M.E. O.N. Y.O.U...!

                              You take my money... through the CWB... and then have the audacity to complain?

                              Could it be the CWB... DOESN"T get a premium for you... AGSTAR77... IN THE FIRST PLACE?

                              There are none any more blinded...

                              THAN THOSE WHO REFUSE TO SEE!


                                I pay the full shot for nursing home care , you can't have around the clock nursing care at home. T4 and Fran , you have the sensitivity of a rock.Nursing homes are not freebies. I really wouldn't care whether it was private or public , just avaiable. Just wait till its your turn to get old. Have a nice day!


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