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Global Bailout

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    Global Bailout

    Dow is down another 700 points today. TSX is down 600.
    Commodities are all down again.

    A question to all you government is good, markets are bad folks out there. How's that global bailout plan working for you guys these days?

    What's next? Nationalize everything?

    And who devised the Bailout plan? Career civil servants or ex Financial Gurus from Lehman and other failed institutions? How can they come up with a plan when they were part of the problem? Maybe a Warren Buffet or Carl Icahn could do better?


      There is no single human being that can run the market better than the market.

      You can take Warren Buffer, Albert Einstein, Bill Gates and whoever else you want on your "dream team" and it wouldn't make a difference. It is just too big, too complicated, and too intricate for any one person or group of people to 'control'.

      Lets put that into perspective the central planners in the old Soviet Union had to set over 24 million prices. <b>24 million!</b>

      Do you really think the empire collapsed just because they had the wrong people setting those prices?


        Listened to carl icahn on cnbc today briefly. There is one pissed off investor. In his words "you can't fix this thing with the same god damn people in charge that made the mess" or something to that effect but he was not too happy judging by the words he was using.

        Basically the same as alot of people have said on this website. The people that were getting gold plated salaries have to be held account for this mess. Someone has to be responsible for the consequences. The taxpayer had entrusted these people with their money so they concentrate on their own jobs not let someone gamble it away incompetently.

        Yeah you are all right - it leads in me into the cwb and what they are doing with my money - except even if I watch them they still expropriate my money and grain.

        I talked to larry hill in the last couple of weeks about the fusarium progam. Asked how most producers are going to feel if the cwb only accepts 75 percent of most producer's good grain while the fusarium infected grain is 100 percent delivered by nov. And add we are in a falling market. So you have lower returns and storage for good grain and the garbage is getting higherprices , guaranteed delivery and cashflow. He says " I never thought of those concerns but i will ask those questions" Now will he get it done before they bring out the cwrs fusarium program is the big question.

        And that, my selfish board supporters, is why the cwb doesn't instill confidence by people like me. No thinking about the impact of their actions. If the cwb wants to allow certain persons to have better delivery,cashflow,and grades and forget about the others it isn't putting a premium into evryone's pockets - just a select few.

        How does this relate to financials issues - the people that come out with any of these schemes don't think of the impact of their schemes until it is too late.


          Kind of spooky how the markets are still tanking after the fact.

          Nikkei is hurting tonight,along with european futures.


            Russia simply went broke.
            Kind of like another super power.


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