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    I know i'm going to get a "no kidding sherlock" but here we go.

    All of canada minus alberta,sask,and manitoba is about to/has hit an economic brick wall.

    The downward spiralling of economically unfortunate events is beyond the scope of most and way beyond the politico's.

    Maufacturing is dead.

    Inflation is alive and this is going to kill consumer spending.

    See where this is headed?

    We are a society whos economy is based on CONSUMPTION!

    Companies profits will evaporate do to escalating costs and falling demand.

    Pension plans will vanish.Which will lead to even less consumer spending.

    Housing prices will/have crumbled,leaving people feeling more poor.

    Government revenues will shrink just when spending increases will be screamed for.Monsterous deficits for the future.Dalton Mcretard(who is king of the retards)is having meetings right now with the other retards and they are talking about how its ok by them that the government goes into deficit.How much more bread would you like to steal out of your childrens mouths mr.mcretard?

    And that war we got going on-costs money-and by no stretch of the imagination are we close to winning-we are losing.

    Everybody(hopefully) has heard of the unfunded liabilities of the states,well guess what,we got our own 1.6 trillion dollar dirty little secret.This should make everyone want to puke.Heres the proof.


    And with the baby boomers starting to retire that bill will need to be paid.

    And we are already the most heavily taxed society on earth.

    All this and i havent even talked about interest rates.

    And just where are the economic resources going to come from to keep this ship afloat?

    Alberta Saskatchewan Manitoba

    Five years from now there will be nothing but rage in western canada.

    I notice you haven't talked about interest rates. So far they are dropping and that is doing a lot of good for anyone with large loans, myself I have paid off the higher one year terms (most banks allow this) and replaced them with floating saving me a pile of interest. About this inflation issue, are you not overdoing it, most people are still at work in Canada, look at the EI rates.


      Most are at work now Hopper. But CP states it well. No one is worried about job loss because the media isn't talking about it yet.

      Being one step ahead of the curve is the trick.

      Like CP said iflation will rise.

      In the words of SF3.....HMM, I wonder why the three western provinces will prosper out of this mess.

      Raw product will be the king out of this mess.


        I think that the posters on this thread are making a number of important points that, unfortunately, no one in the Mainstream Media seems to care about.

        Inflation is definitely going to be a huge problem going forward, as I believe that Ben Bernanke is literally going to try to print his way out of the economic mess down south.

        That will trigger a huge run-up in commodity prices in general. We've already seen some of that in the past year, and we shouldn't take the present pullback in commodity prices as a sign that deflation is the next trend.

        The question is, though, will this run-up do anything to increase your margins as a farmer? Or will your margins continue to shrink as increasing costs of production (energy, for e.g.) outstrip increases in price for your product?

        Furthermore, how will unpredictable and erratic currency swings affect our ability to plan for exports? What kinds of hedges could an individual deploy to deal with this sort of thing?


          First off the money being printed is not being spent but invested. The gov't borrows for 3% and lends back to the banks at 5%. In the long run the gov'ts will make money on this. This is why we are in deflation and seeing interest rates drop. If what you say is true then gold should be rising instead of falling. Another thing is too is that if you all believe in inlation then lock your bins and buy as much fert and chem or any other input as you can. Take SF3 for an example. The crop yeild isn't out there or the crop isn't off and commodities are going up but your a fool to buy fert because its going to crash. Can't have it both ways.


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