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Finally Done!

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    Finally Done!

    Farming, I quit! Ha Ha. Well after 60 days of restless nights the 2008 crop is in the bins, bags neighbors bins etc. Yes I was wrong. It turned out to be a nice crop.
    I should quit after a early season breakdown that has a parts bill of $49345.00. Then close to a foot of wet snow plus 2 inches of rain. But that's farming, every year is a challenge, that's life! So tomorrow I will spend time with my family and enjoy the day. But for today a bunch of us are going to finish a couple of neighbors who had some real bad luck.

    congrats on finally being done.
    I finished two long days of putting up signs around district 6 probably saw a dozen feilds with combines on them, lots of anhydrous going on up north,
    grain bags everywhere , question is was it a huge crop, or are they guys who usually piled on ground, or are there alot of wooden bins about to be pushed over this winter?
    Good on you for helping the neighbours , and hope you get some family time when its all in the bin.




        I would like to know what kind of a breakdown you had that would lead to a $ 50000.00 parts bill.


          Ditto on the neighbour that had real bad luck, what happened to him if you don't mind?. I have one also that is still banging away at his canola, he should finish his canola and only have a quarter of oats left.


            Was just thinking 50,000 would purchase 1.5 of my combines.



              Sounds like a complete rotor component.


                take a lug off a steam tractor (IRON)
                it goes up the feeder house, turns side ways and goes around the accelerator then punches through the cast where the bearing attaches to rotor then starts to spin with the rotor, Peas 450 rpm rotor breaks shaft and falls down into the sieves and below augers , but keeps turning and parts move backwards taking out con-caves and finally stop at the back re thresher. Chopper is perfect nothing made it through. Basically its a totally rebuilt combine from front to chopper 6 weeks to get parts and rebuild this includes tins and castings etc.
                Neighbor has problems at home!
                Any way happy its all over for 2008, now planning 2009 and fert and seed and marketing.


                  John Deere?


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