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    Rodgers succsess is being questioned further down the page.

    Look at this.


    Are you on his side?
    Or would you like to bet against him?

    As of today, the index is sub-3000. Still very good, and he got in at the right time. But how much is he going to give back by staying that bullish? I'm not arguing with the fact that he called this one right so far, but people who stay on one side of the fence in a commodity market eventually get run over. That's because they fall in love with their own brilliance. That's how cyclical markets punish people. You have to know when to change your tune.

    Will the markets rally again? Absolutely, when the next cycle hits. But it won't be soon and it won't start until all the longs are chased out of the market. Remember, it's the longs that make the market fall, not the shorts. Hoarding always comes back to bite the longs hard.

    That's my two cents.


      that last leg down is the biggest move in the whole graph. i doubt it will change direction in the next quarter. if nothing else he's going to need a heck of a rally to make up those losses. might happen.


        Watch tomorow a.m., there are shorts in the market and a new revised USDA report out on short notice a week from an election. Might just be nothin, but the timing is interesting.


          I keep thinking there should be a big corrective bounce, but the longer it takes, the more nervous I get about where it will start from. Today's early action should have been a lot stronger if this market is getting ready to bottom.


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