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CWB Events are being blocked to unaccredited media!

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    CWB Events are being blocked to unaccredited media!

    Siemens Says - This is why Farmers Must Vote to elect Marketing Choice candidates in the upcoming CWB board directors’ elections because Freedom of the Press is at stake.

    Updated - The Canadian Wheat Board has refused my registration on two CWB media events, effectively banning me from covering, reporting, and commenting on the Wheat Board’s activities from a point of view the majority of farm media and mainstream media seldom take.

    I write for three and sometimes five farm newspapers weekly and monthly, broadcast on several radio stations and radio networks daily in the United States and Canada, posting to my SiemensSays.Com website, writing in the FarmWatch newsletter, and sharing the information on talks I give in Canada and the USA.

    At the end of July, I normally did what I have been doing for most of 37 years, register for the media conference the board uses to report on that crop year’s activities. Thinking nothing of it, I sent the registration email to Dwayne Marling, a good friend from his previous work at the Manitoba Pork Council. Several hours before the conference was to start, I received an email from Maureen Fitzhenry, Manager of Media Relations with the CWB, and you can read it here.

    “Harry: Our event today is for accredited media only. We will be restricting our questions to those reporters. Maureen Fitzhenry.”

    Well, in my reply, and several subsequent emails I listed the media outlets I report and commentate regularly for, asking her why she considered me an unaccredited media person. I never received a reply and Maureen had always been prompt in here responses to me on previous issues.

    Then I received another email from a CWB media person suggesting if I was interested in attending or covering by telephone, the CWB’s so-called pasta collaborating announcement, I should register. I hit reply on my Gmail account to John Lyons at the Wheat Board requesting he register me as he had suggested.

    Obviously, John had been waiting for my registration because he immediately forwarded it to Maureen Fitzhenry because in his forwarding address to Maureen, he said ‘Here’s Harry’. Well, again, it did not take very long and I received my answer to my request to register from CWB Media Relations Manager, Maureen Fitzhenry.

    “Harry: we reserve the right to invite or exclude any individuals or groups from our corporate events. We will not be accepting your registration.”

    Maureen Fitzhenry, CWB media relations manager

    In all honesty, this is restricting - No, let me rephrase that - Banning those media outlets that I report and commentate for, from covering firsthand, the on-goings of the monopolized so-called marketing arm for Western Canadian farmers, the only ones who get jail time when they deliver bread wheat and malting barley anywhere else than but to the CWB.

    No, wonder some districts in the CWB director elections have up to three and four candidates running for the pro-marketing choice position. Take for example District 10 in Manitoba where the incumbent, Bill Toews of Kane, Manitoba has three marketing choice farmers running to defeat him and his monopolistic views, like banning media outlets who may take opposing views to his, and the CWB. Heading the pack is Rolf Penner of Morris, Barry Reimer of Boissevain, and Curtis Sims of MacGregor. That is good representation from right across the district.

    However, the amazing thing here is each farmer chose to run on his own, not coerced by any organization, or collaborated strategy. These men are angry, fed up with their eroded freedoms, and know their friends and neighbours think the same.

    Yes, vote one for your first choice, two for the second, and three for your third choice because the preferential vote-counting procedure takes that as a positive for your first choice. Oh by the way, tell you fellow farmers to do the same.


    What the heck is "accredited" media anyways? I mean its not like they're licensed like lawyers and accountants.

    Typical lead pipe monopoly BS, if the media doesn't ask questions the board likes the board tries to shut them up.


      Here's a good letter to the editor I read this morning on the subject.

      No censorship in democracy

      ‘Freedom’ is a word that is used a lot regarding Canadian Wheat Board discussions. Usually, it is in the context of marketing choice for farmers./ But it now appears there is an even more fundamental freedom at stake: freedom of the press.

      Harry Siemens, well-known southern Manitoba farm journalist, is being shut out of CWB news conferences. At first, the CWB said Siemens wasn’t accredited. When he produced his press credentials, they switched their excuses and bluntly told Siemens that the CWB reserved the right to pick and choose which reporters it would allow at its news conferences.

      The CWB has decided to censor the news that farmers receive regarding the CWB.

      What this incident highlights is the degree to which the Wheat Board and its board of directors have lost their way./ The CWB sis supposed to represent the views and interests of all grain producers. That means it has a responsibility to deliver fair, clear and unbiased information to farmers.

      That information is delivered by our respected and reliable farm media. The CWB does not have the right to hand-pick who delivers the news presumably so CWB staff can have a hand in its delivery.

      The CWB has become a self-interested entity, not interested in what is best for farmers. And farmers, by the way, are the ones who pay the salaries of the people working at the CWB.

      To try to shut out media is unfair for farmers and, ultimately, it is counter-productive for the Board itself. Times are changing in Canadian agriculture and the CWB will have to adapt or become irrelevant. The Wheat Board owes it to itself, as well as to farmers, to respect the voices of all media, not just the voices it likes.

      This is a democracy-we don’t censor our news media.

      Kevin Archibald


        Step right up and read all about it!

        http://rolfpennerforcwb.com/ Pars


          No big deal, after all, Franny is probably the only subscriber to this wacko's website (and he probably gets it for free)... ha ha. Has any ever heard of this guy before? 37 years in business? Sure hasn't made a name for himself.


            Typical single desker, freedom of the press gets trampled and you applaud.

            Your uncle 'Karl' must be very proud.


              Maybe there taking a page out of "Talking to the Media-according to Stephen Harper"
              This is where you have to send him the questions before hand and if he doesn't like the question you are excluded from the room or if you show up the gestapo grab you and escort you out.
              Freedom of the press has never been so low as it has since he's been in power


                Is it true he handed out candy last nite in a uniform with little black mustache and tall brown boots ?



                  I guess you have not followed a lot of farm publications, TV and radio outlets. Harry had a farm program on TV for over 13 years. Bringing the newest technology and innovative farm ideas to the viewer. Has a farm newspaper that is circulated through most of southern MB - free - and has had articles in most major newspapers. Is considered "the farm expert" for a number one radio station in the city of Winnipeg. Is not the CBC. Is on countless US radio stations through out the mid western and northern states. If there is a fault with him. He is to well known especially by his "acquaintances" at the CWB. Has nothing to do with accreditation as has so clearly been said.


                    As per usual Mus you've got your facts mixed up. The only requirement that the PMO has is that reporters who want to ask questions put their names on a list saying they want to ask questions.


                      And why does the PMO want to make a list you ask? Because up until they did the press gallery elite made their own little list and decided who got to ask which questions. If the press gallery didn't like a question a certain reporter wanted to ask they wouldn't let him.

                      The Jack Boots are correct, you've just got them on the wrong feet.


                        Speaking of questions...........soo what is the health of the contingency fund??Do we have to wait till the annual report?


                          Careful, that's the kind of question that can get you banned from CWB events.


                            "A randy-dandy question cropduster.Pars


                              Media banned from CWB events? I doubt that very much, unless of course that the individual was some sort of wackoooo, maybe like Billy O of Foxy News.


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