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Viterra To Prosper

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    Sure its good for viterra to make money but have they lowered their handling charges with more volume?

    None of the grain companies or railways have passed there synergies on to the farmer.NONE. But the cwb hasn't either. Since ocean freight rates have gone down and so has the loonie we should be seeing higher pro's not lower. With oil down our rail freight rates should be down as well as the railways are allowed a fuel surcharge.

    All I know is, farmers continue to get hooped and its getting worse.


      OK Agstar, I was going to ask you which side of the monopoly you think we're on. But I won't. I'll assume you think farmers are on the 'right' side of the monopoly.

      Can you tell me how much my bushels have benefitted by being on the 'right side'?


        The only way that Viterra can prosper, is to continue ripping their farmer friends off. After all it is the same old crew that ran the Pool to ground, Agrisnore into the dirt, Agrisore United into the dirt more. I think that Viterra staff in generally resent/hate most farmers they have to deal with!!!!


          What reason would the employees have to resent/hate farmers? That makes no sense, because without farmers they wouldn't have a business to go to work for.


            Here's a bizarre thought....if you are so convinced that Viterra will **** and pillage the farmer and make all this money...it's a no-brainer...buy shares.

            PS. Agrium peaked at $115, dropped to $34 and now are around $40. Buy some fertilizer stocks as a hedge against high fertilizer prices.



              BNN haqd a report on Agrium today... between $46 and $50... and back to $46/share... high volitility... high risk stock... IF the bottom is not in black oil.

              Black oil call options... CDN$ Call Options... any one of these have a direct relationship with grains... hence fertiliser... even natural gas will give a fair cross hedge... or even a basket of all the above.

              Going 'Long' in this volitile a market means an easy 25% can be gained or lost in a couple of days... not at all for those who are not gamblers!


                I'm sure Viterra staff would hate, resent having to do business with you. For that matter I'm sure just about every farm business you have to deal with probably shares that same view point.You seem to thing we should all work together through the CWB but it would seem you can't even make an attempt to build any business relations. Never happy unless life and wealth are delivered on a silver platter.


                  Maybe hate was the wrong word to use, describing Viterra. Loathe or despise would probably be better words to describe their ongoing relationship with the stupid farmers, that they have to deal with on a daily basis. Apologies to all those thin skinned, forward thinking, freebooters out there, who love paying high prices and being taken advantage of, yous are the guys that Viterra wants to deal with each and every time! But wait, the BEST OF TIMES is coming down the pipe, higher interest rates are looming, lots of the same happy go lucky farmers involved in Angribusiness in our great nation will fall by the wayside sooner than later! Bet the fiends at Viterra will come to your rescue then. LOL's


                    Several of your posts complain about the lack of competition and price fixing on the input side in the open market and then go on to blame all the problems in agriculture on the CWB. What a laugh! That is what happens when you lose perspective because of strongly held ideology. Perhaps some of you have missed the increasing move towards bigger and bigger players in ag markets with less and less competition. Why do you think ranchers in the US tried to sue packers for uncompetitive behaviour. Why did Obama campaign on a the notion of stopping packer ownership of cattle? Why are there only a handfull of packers left in the Canadian market? Where is the real competition you speak of? If you would take a moment to stop praying at the altar of the free and unregulated market you might notice that there are many problems in the open market that need fixing. Having the delusion that free markets are going to act in your interest as a small and tiny player is at best wishful thinking. If free markets are so wonderful why does Harper support import tarrifs, cost of production formulas, and supply mangement for dairy and poultry producers? These are socialist intervention. Why dosen't he just let the freemarket prevail? Most farmers voted for Harper so that includes many of you who are so adamant about free and unregulated markets.


                      Change or be changed.

                      Like conventional to organic.

                      How many farmers voted for you in the Federal election Mr. Flaman?

                      How many will vote for you in the CWB election?

                      If you would take a moment to stop praying at the altar of the (monopoly) market you might notice that there are many problems (at) the (CWB) that need fixing. Having the delusion that the (CWB) is going to act in your interest as a (large and international player) is at best wishful thinking.


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