chuckchuck/ chuckles
We can't change the past. But since you are so good with numbers maybe you would like to do the weighted average on durum for the 08-09 year. Considering that american farmers had the ability to to price durum for 14usd for this past sept delivery. Hows those premium prices looking now?
A monkey could of sold wheat and durum in 07-08 and did a better job. I wouldn't say, even with the 12 dollars per bushel and the fact that durum hit 28, the cwb did a great job.
We can't change the past. But since you are so good with numbers maybe you would like to do the weighted average on durum for the 08-09 year. Considering that american farmers had the ability to to price durum for 14usd for this past sept delivery. Hows those premium prices looking now?
A monkey could of sold wheat and durum in 07-08 and did a better job. I wouldn't say, even with the 12 dollars per bushel and the fact that durum hit 28, the cwb did a great job.