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Accountability from my 'Marketing Department' head honcho

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    Accountability from my 'Marketing Department' head honcho

    Parsley, I know you’ve dropped the Wednesday with White threads. Perhaps this forum is not the best means or place to make the Board’s CEO accountable to farmers. I can accept that. But at some level accountability is legitimate and should matter. CEO’s, if not directly accountable to shareholders, nevertheless are responsible for providing truthful and relevant answers to legitimate questions and concerns.

    So I’m going to ask the question. Is anybody else underwhelmed by the new CEO at the Canadian Wheat Board?

    I have to honestly say I had much higher expectations. Supposedly Mr. White has literally a world of experience running marketing agencies and merchandising agricultural products. He ought to know apples from oranges; fish from fowl. He should know when he is being spun, especially by his own subordinates.

    I’ve carefully observed his response to two recent analytical reports dealing with the performance of the CWB. I’m disheartened and disappointed. Both the Informa analysis and the CD Howe report, while taking different approaches and looking at the performance from distinctly different angles, compare results in relevant and significant ways. No matter what the results were the comparisons would be meaningful. But I get the distinct feeling that had the outcome of the measurements been different, the response would have been different. We need, for example, to know how sales values of Canadian wheat measures up against values of similar competitor product in the same marketplace when backed off to the farm. It is important to measure the efficiency of the entire handling and transportation system as indicated through farm gate returns for non-board vs. board grains. Valid valid stuff.

    Yet what I am seeing from Mr. White is just more of the same deception and specious rhetoric that came from the mouth of his predecessor, Mr. Measner. The cool-aid must be irresistible. It’s not good enough to predictably and instantly condemn EVERY outside performance measurement just because you don’t like the questions. Or the comparisons. Or the answers. The complaint that the “assumptions are invalid” has become very very stale. On this farm, these comparative assessments are EXTREMELY relevant, and in an increasingly competitive world, very important.

    Isn’t it time Mr. White got out of his defensive posture at 423 Main Street and stopped defending the indefensible - stopped instantaneously lashing out every time someone dares to compare? Just once it would do his credibility good to acknowledge that farmers, agri-business, and - yes, even market analysts and economists - have valid ideas and relevant measurements. But his already predictable, defensive, and dismissive response to every criticism is hackneyed and tiresome.

    It should be very easy to challenge the lame excuses and irrelevant arguments that come from the floors below him. And if he cannot control the spin department, he should at least distance himself from the transparent and rhetorical spin that just as night follows day, expectedly comes out of it.

    Mr. White - not a leader in my books, and a big big disappointment. And where is the Board of Directors? Are they satisfied he’s leading the organization, or like me, do they see the organization leading him?


    It is hard not to act like a turkey... when all you see and hear are turkeys... day & night... and these turkeys feed you well and gobble nicely... if you speak the kind of turkey they understand!


      My recommendations for the new Board of D's would be to bite the bullet, write a cheque out of the pooling accounts for $800K termination, escort the CWB's CEO to a waiting slow boat to Aussieland, and heave a bloody sigh of relief once they pull out of harbor.

      His performance does not meet ANY of my expectations.

      Next question?



        OK, how about this..... is it possible the problem is structural - could anybody do the job under the circumstances?

        I'm trying hard not to be personal, but I don't think, short of the threat of the unspeakable, that there is a reason for this that could not be overcome, or at least mitigated with competent leadership. It might not be a piece of cake, but I believe it is possible. Why can't a capable senior executive be found?


          1/Any CEO worth his salt would not only have instructed the staff to work out a plan for marketing choice for the wheat and barley now being denied licenses, but announced it for farmers, and asked for input.

          For heavens sakes, much of the grain (EMFA feeed grain), ALREADY presently works under a Designated Area dual marketing system.

          2/CEO should have cut back staff in 08.
          3/be open with farmers about Admin costs/contingency fund etc.

          Somebody else take a turn at this. I am fed up with the no-do-anything approach. Pars


            Tell me again who hired him?

            He is an embarrassment and so is whoever thought he would be a good choice for DA farmers.


              Good question Silver.

              The CWB pushed Ward W. all they could. The Fed's choice was White.

              Bureaucrats don't make those calls.

              I'll ask again - who is advising the Feds?


                Officially, after the shortlisting, I think the B of D voted, and approved of his hiring, and after that, the Minister had to give his approval.

                Is that what you mean? Pars


                  Kodiak, I could not agree with your comments more.
                  I too had much higher expectations of Mr. White.
                  What is it about being on the inside at the CWB that turns intelligent, open minded people into mindless, party-line touting, defensive, nimrods?

                  How many B.O.D.'s have been elected on a free market platform only to flip-flop once elected.
                  Is this because once on the inside they are privy to information that completely changes their minds on the issue or something less then above board? Golden handshakes?


                    You ever consider that you are missing something. It seems that everytime anti-CWB types don't like the answer they are given, they want to change the question. Maybe you want someone who is braindead as CEO so you can pull his puppet strings. Mr. White came from a free market background and I doubt he would put up with the incompetence in employees that you espouse. Also I doubt he could survive without the confidence of the B.O.D., which include several dissenters. Besides the great Harper could turf him, he has done it before.


                      or possibly??? when sworm in, you take an oath to act in the best interests of CWB reguardless of your own personal beliefs or what is really right or wrong or what the masses want



                        Who at the Board of Directors table has the ability to run a 7 billion dollar corporation?

                        If you don't want to name them - how many of the 15?

                        Who at that same table would know the difference of a good sale or a poor sale?

                        Where is the sales data collected to compare their sales to? Acredited agents? Sales staff?


                        No thats not what i meant. Every ag minister has a small group outside of Ottawa that are his ears/eyes and conscience.

                        A select group or chosen individuals are giving the Minister advice.

                        Who are they?


                          So not telling the truth is in the best interest of the board? Good luck with that.


                            Maybe you could get retiring execs from GM to run the CWB, GM used to be a big corporation. Competence doesn't seem to be abundent in the private sector.


                              Prior to entering the building Mr. White talked about the importance of the CWB and its single desk bringing real value to farmers. Now that he's on the inside, when its value is scrutinized or benchmarked all we get is the same old predictable instantaneous press releases we've always gotten. The assumptions were invalid. The numbers were too simplistic. The premise was flawed.

                              Any fresh new perspectives that could have been brought to bear, any objectivity that comes with a different background has taken a back seat - replaced with the same old pattern that has existed since 1998. Anyone of us could write his press releases for him. We've heard it all before.

                              Parsley's (qand other's) no nonsense questions about overhead reductions, improved efficiencies and accountability? Nowhere have I seen even an acknowledgment that that's part of the job. Only defensive reactions to the legitimate questions anyone dares ask.

                              Where's the vision? Where's the leadership? Where's the change?

                              Puppet strings? Yes, they're being pulled alright.


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