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Seriously, Let's go

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    Seriously, Let's go

    Thank you conservative party of canada for being such dipsticks as to give these 3 morons the opportunity to attempt their third world style government overthrow. We immediately need a Western Canada election to declare our independance from the morons(conservative party of canada included) The only reason most of us voted conservative was because of the east morons nothing else. Western seperatist parties you have been given the green light let's get it done. It will be a cold day in hell before we will accept western money leaving to save eastern mismanagement.

    We can only hope the GG calls the election.

    God help us all if that retard Dion is governing this country.

    Isn't funny that the Liberals were going to can this loser after the election for the seats he lost.......now they want him to govern the country!!!!!

    If the GG brings in these losers, I will never vote again. The people told Ottawa in October who we wanted as PM. This isn't a democracy it's a dictatorship!!!


      We have been accepting it for years, don't you know how much Harper was shoving at Quebec and Ontario? We might get a better deal from the new government as they will have keep up appearances to mollify the rednecks.


        The trio of traitors were such a spectacle on Parliament Hill today, I was tempted not to comment on their actions, but perhaps there comes from them a message for us to ponder. And vice versa.

        When I made the initial November 28th post outlining what was probably to come, some of my friends thought me quite mad, and countered with the argument that the Harper Government was elected fair and square, and that was that.

        Here's Message #1...There is no fairness, nor common decency, nor gentleman's behavior, nor code of ethics in our elected officials, anymore. We live in a world of a 'push the rules to the limit' mentality, and a 'break the stupid rule and pay the fifty dollar fine' mindset, and an 'ignore the rules and hope no one notices' kind of world. Get accustomed to it. In my observer-experience, the courts have finetuned the the new world. Professionals have written the "How to" books for running the new world , and Governments have paid for it all, and only acted in their regulatory capacity if it meant a few extra votes.

        #2 We are a runaway nation. Nobody, and I mean nobody knows where this wreck is heading.

        So what do we do?<a href=”http://www.parsleysnotebook.blogspot.com/”target=”blank”> Click Here to Visit Parsley’s Notebook Blog to Read More. </a>


          Because you are so modest and unassuming, I was sure you wouldn't comment.


            If you want an alternative to standing in line, hand out,cap in hand, waiting for a rebate back on your commodities, so that your family can live, pull up your slleves and present an alternative:

            1. Spend one day studying how Norway successfully and peacefully seceded from Sweden
            2. Write up a draft proposal on how the West can secede from Canada
            3. Refine it with friends.
            4. Send copies to neighbors; circulate the idea, on AV, too.
            5. Send it to your provincial Governments.
            6. Let all those tooling-around -with-our-futures know there is an alternative, and we're "looking at it"



              snappy, the GG doesn't read "hope".


                Why would an election change anything, Mr. Harper did not gain the confidence of a majority of Canadians or win a majority of seats. He must have the agreement of one of the other parties to pass any legislation.


                  An election is a better alternative than a coup.


                    There will be no election. That would be even more insane. If the coalition fails the Liberal- NDP coalition will pay the price and there might be a New Progressive Conservative government not a right wing Harper government.


                      No. How about you enlighten me Agstar!!!

                      Stupid fools are worried about a stimulus package.

                      Hey lets spend another pile of tax payer money on an election in the middle of a recession.



                        We need an election over PM Dion/Layton. I just emailed my MP and told him same. We are too close to getting rid of CWB. Can you imagine the cost of having a socialist in control of the country's finances. We tried that in Sask. Does not work. TSX will be in rough territory if this becomes reality.


                          If the choice is going to be between an election and a Kooky separatist coalition my money's on an election.

                          The Lib's should have taken their win on MP subsidies but nooo, why take an inch when you can push the country over the edge into banana republic territory.

                          The Canadian people did not vote for this. If Larry, Curly and Moe want to govern together they should have run on that platform. And I think they are going to get their chance to do that real soon.


                            I forgot to mention just how screwy is this whole thing when two guys who were retards when they were young and are now not just still retards, but old senile retards Chretien and Broadbent have decided the fate of a country, which will allow a moron that their own liberal party couldn't stand and therefore resigned and now is going to be prime minister just so slick Jack can feel he is actually relavant as a politician.

                            The majority was lost when the conservatives were insistant that canada was immune to the financial crisis even though we are the biggest exporting nation in the world and the rest of the world is BROKE!!!!! HOW NUTS WAS THAT!!!!!!


                              Stephane Dion only got 77 seats in the last election. That's the worst result for a Liberal leader in the last 135 years. And he somehow deserves to be PM? I'm sorry but that's ****oo for cocoa puffs.


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