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Seriously, Let's go

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    If the GG doesn't dissolve parliament and call an election, and instead chooses to install these clowns as government, I will be making contact with the following,,, (this from the blog Small Dead Animals)..................

    I have contacted Douglas Christie in Victoria B.C.
    asking him to comment on the socialist coalition cabal.
    I received this email today and enclosing it with three paragraphs deleted simply for brevity, leaving in the essentials for any one wishing to contact the Western Block Party.
    I live in Ontario, I have posted previously here and elsewhere my worst fears that the Layton, Dion, and Duceppe troika are essentially communists in heart and soul and I fear that Canada (should they become government) will be a communist state in all but name, making the option of a FREE, independent, (property rights entrnched} capitalist western state very appealing.

    Joseph Molnar


    December 1, 2008

    Dear Sirs/Madams:

    I have had a number of inquiries from a number of people obviously concerned about the political crisis in Ottawa. This, in my opinion, is the logical outcome of a fundamentally flawed system. There is no way to rectify the problems that the Ottawa government has created and it is a waste of time for Western Canadians to continue to pour tax dollars into Ottawa in a corrupt and bankrupt system. Therefore, to those of you who are dismayed or concerned by what is going in Ottawa, I strongly urge you to do the following:

    Join the Western Block Party;

    Gather a group of Westerners who believe that Western Canada as an independent nation is a better option;

    Form a Western Block Constituency Association and hold meetings to discuss what should be done in your area;

    Once sufficient numbers appear to exist, see if you can contact us to arrange a meeting in a central location with a number of others in your area, so that we can have a successful public meeting to discuss these matters and I can answer any questions you may have at that time.

    If you have any other intervening questions, I would be happy to address them by email.




    Thank you for your support and attention. Please keep in mind that unless your support manifests itself in some sort of monetary assistance, this exchange of information could amount to nothing but the ventilation of frustration. We cannot allow this moment of understanding to pass without concrete, constructive, lawful, political action.

    Yours for the independence of Western Canada,

    Douglas H. Christie

    Douglas H. Christie
    Barrister, Solicitor & Notary Public
    810 Courtney Street
    Victoria, B.C. V8W 1C4
    Tel: 250-888-3410 or 250-385-1022
    Fax: 250-479-3294


      Harper and the cons had their part in all of this too.

      Cutting your political opponents funding while your in a minority gov is probably the stupidest thing ever done in the history of politics.

      Unless of course he wanted this to happen.


        Exactly. Get familiar with the issues that stem from separation. Policing. Trade. Border Patrol. etc. Do some homework.

        If there is anything Westerners know how to do, it's to build something

        There will be little West wealthleft when the Elizabeth Mays of the world begin the Want Lists of pillaging.


          And for the lack of a rebate the country was lost........<a href=”http://www.parsleysnotebook.blogspot.com/”target=”blank”> Click Here to Visit Parsley’s Notebook Blog to Read More. </a>


            If you want to vote No to the coalition telephone vote on CTV immediately at 1-416-870-4444 Pars


              Agreed CP it wasn't the smartest thing to do, but they shouldn't be funding their pockets in the first place with my money!!


                Certainly it wasn,t the smartest thing to do. In fact it was dumb, dumb, dumb. Harper never did figure out how to work in a minority situation.

                There is a lot of talk that this coalition is illegal. Thats simply not true and I'm surprised it hasn't happened sooner. The liberals and NDP are almost indistinquishable from each other. All it took was a little push from Harper.

                The disturbing thing (amongst many disturbing things) is the role of the Bloc and the future havoc that may bring. But I suppose they are always lurking there like a big junkyard dog at the best of times.

                And its looking more and more like I will never see a dual market in my lifetime.

                Actually this will bring up the western seperatist ghost again. But until this idea gets a broader base of support other than from the far right it will never go anywhere.


                  oh yeah that western separatist thing ought to really calm the markets.

                  Look Harpers is a f@#@$@$@@ who keeps poking people in the eye until they can't take it anylonger.
                  The long knives will be coming out and this time stevies gonna get poked.


                    What a laugh bringing up western seperatism. The west has only a few generations of wealth based on alot of non-renewable resources. What then? Do you really think that seperation is a good long term strategy? What about all the wealth tranferred to the oil business? Was that a good use of your hard earned income lining the pockets of a relatively small number of Canadians? The rise in energy prices has been a driving force in this world wide recession. There is a tremendous amount of waste and innefficiency in the oil business. Consumers end up paying for it. The boom in effect created a tranfer of billions of dollars to western Canada, the middle east, and all the other producing regions of the world that make Dion's proposed carbon tax look puny. But that was business and we accepted it as market forces. How about seperating from our dependence on a dead end resource that will bankrupt the world economy. Don't you think it would be wise to invest in alternative energy supplies before we freeze our asses in the dark? No that would be socialism. Lets just wait for the market to decide for us.


                      The real laugh is any body that is out there left thinking we can actually have a canadian government representing the entire country. Let's face it, it's east versus west and both sides will stoop to do anything to be in power and transfer money and development their way while screwing the other side.
                      What the hell do we need the east for, what are we getting from them of any value?????? they buy our oil cheaper at the pumps than we do out here where we produce, they have subsidized farm programs we could only dream of having, We'd be a hundred times better off the minute we're gone because we'd never be impeded by those leaches like the ones getting into power now.


                        Jack Layton yesterday made me want to go through the radio and throttle the arrogant wimp. This deal was in the works when he was jetting around during the election in Quebec.
                        Lets see the three stooges.
                        Lets have an election again this time run a real campaign, we now have the three stooges against the rest of us. We will win and win big, the big looser is the stupid liberals for going along with the other two duds.


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