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Don't prebuy products, Unless you need a Tax Right Off!

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    Don't prebuy products, Unless you need a Tax Right Off!

    Just about getting run over by the number of Elevator and private suppliers stopping in our yard this last week.
    Seed must not be moving because this is one that's huge, Have neighbors that are not booking or seeding canola next year, These are not your one quarter neighbors that are going to drop out.
    Glyphos one note the main ingredient has dropped in price the last two months by more than 50% in value. Don't let the glyphos suppliers tell you it has to go up.
    Also their will be by next spring a new Glyphos supplier coming on line and its not FNA.
    Also their will be generics for Puma horizon, Pursuit and a Select and a Tilt, plus the Glyphos. PMRA will have approval in late January.
    So look at your rebate check and do the math to see if buying from your regular or going for a deal is worth it.
    So the free trip to the spa or a Concert plus flight to St Louis maybe isn't quite worth it.
    Have a good one.

    Itmight be a good idea to wait . Int. prices seem to be falling .


      If you spend too much for inputs, is it really a good write off for taxes? Maybe pay the taxes and more money in your pocket????


        Wade, Bingo!!


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