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And some people want this man in Gov't?

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    And some people want this man in Gov't?

    Bloc leader Duceppe says coalition still best solution to economic crisis
    The Canadian Press
    Mon, 15 Dec 2008 16:15:00 CST

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    TORONTO - Bloc Quebecois Leader Gilles Duceppe made an effort to keep a proposed Liberal-NDP coalition alive Monday, calling it the best solution to the economic crisis.

    Although Duceppe maintained the coalition is the desired solution, he declined to predict whether it will survive until the end of January, when the Conservative government has promised to release its budget.

    "I don't make predictions, especially those considering the future," Duceppe said. "A lot of things could happen till the end of January."

    So he predicts the coalition is better, then he says he does not make predictions.

    Hopperbin: Sure this coalition is the greatest thing to come along in a 100 years. The Bloc will suck all the money into Quebuec then separate.


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