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    I know there are alot of areas in Sask right now in tough shape.............but this past week the crops have really turned around. At this point if we get 2" of rain on my farm in July I will have just as big of yield as last year. Big if.

    Not trying to sound arrogant, but don't write this one off yet!

    Also I would be sold on old crop and have some new crop priced right now if you need cash flow into fall. We're going to test last winters lows before we crank back up into winter 2010.

    You may be right. I also have sold out of old crop grudgingly but made a profit. Have yet to deliver some. I know could have sold most production at higher values in the fall example yellow peas 8 dollars instead of 6. Yet I did better than CWB malt CWSWS wheat instead selling it as pig feed and ethanol wheat instead. Well that is another topic.


      Yeah, we might have to really eat crow and anything else we could scrounge up because we may have some yield but it's gonna have to be frost free third week in to September at least around our area. What some are not realizing is that a frost in Late August or early Sept and there won't be an issue of grade it will be an issue of there being any bushels or not. Not sure how a good yield could be expected when you've got canola fields more black than green and it's 20 th of June, I don't think the reality of that has really registered with some this is not south US or Mexico this is Saskatchewan. Unless of course your canola looked like the one on the front page of the Producer, then maybe yeah be optimistic. Hope you are right though!!


        right on guys
        dont know what your rainfall is there compared to other areas of the praries but lower rainfall regions can turn it around quicker than the "better" areas in very dry times but also need a hefty dose of luck at times as rainfall canv ary so much in the space or even 2kms
        cheers hope you get it were still annoyingly dry but not as bad as you guys
        just remeber we all in it together farms world wide common thread "WEATHER"


          Still lots and lots of disgusting looking crops in this area.

          If you are talking up your crop already then good for you.

          Maybe guys from our area can come help you in the fall.


            Wow, Snapper, another record year! You must be the greatest farmer, on earth. Drought, frost, no problem, if you know what yo are doing. Every year, record yields, sell it forward, profits up, costs down. Are yo just trying to make everyone else crazy by saying such outlandish tings??? Tank goddness somebody kin feed the world and smart tooooo.........


              LMAO!!! Burbert I see you got a weekend pass out of the home.

              Sorry to all those offended!! Forgot that all this site is for is bitching and whining, and if you mention that things mabye aren't quite so bad your a loudmouth, typical farmer mentality. Sounds just like my old man when I started. "You can't rent land you'll go broke". Glad I didn't listen to him or I'd probably sound like you Burbert.

              Just was trying to ge the point across that don't be waiting for Canola to jump to $15.00/bus because out your front window crops look bad. Remember reading this site all last summer, and turned out to be a big crop didn't it??

              Even though post after post was doom and gloom.


                Crops may look good........but is it in your bin yet? Lets see what I remember about good looking crops.....snowed on Sept.15th., all standing and unharvested crops took a sh*t kicking. Rained most of Sept one year, combines sat for 34 days straight. Snowed Sept 16th. and stayed...harvest was completed in April of next year. Froze Aug.16, most canola that year was like pepper and farmers just burnt the swaths. Froze Aug.18th one year, flax was burnt...nothing to harvest. Hail strip one year 100 miles wide x 200 long. Froze every month of the year (early 80's), crops were all feed......this year can be the same as we have had frost in June already. I do hope your right, but the crop is a long, long , long way from the bin yet.


                  Were getting technically week in the soy market,but we havent established a new trend downward(yet).

                  The usdx and bond market are what i've been focusing on.
                  The bond guys at some point will demand higher rates(rescent movments are suggesting this)-but the us government does not(aka quantitative easing).Imagine if it took twice the money to service all this debt.
                  They are all ready printing money to buy debt.To keep rates down.
                  Soon they will be the only buyer in the market.
                  At some point it will be clear that inflation must happen at all costs to keep things going.

                  The abominal Obomanation has pretty well sealed the deal.He has spent or committed ten trillion dollars in a few months in office.

                  The newly and oldy created cash will be parked in hard assets.


                    We could probably start posting pictures of our crops,now that the site has sped up.

                    Or would that make it to slow for some on dial up?


                      I agree snappy there is a chance but last year growing conditions in july/august were one in one hundred year events to be followed by no fall frost until oct. If it happens again will you bet a texas mickey just for fun, you on? Our crops are further behind here and still no rain. Rain has benn falling east Sask and a very narow band in western Sask. Most of the western sask crops with those rains have just emerged.


                        wow today we may break the 2 tenths
                        barrier. hasn't started yet but sure a nice forecast.
                        kind of regretting planting all that ethanol wheat, could be lots of feed around.


                          If we have a bumper crop every year then that would be the average. The start that our crops have had here we will be lucky to get a crop. Optimism is good but the crop has to get going to have any chance.



                            I think you are out to lunch on this. The global crop is not going to be as big as they are saying. The cwb has already reduced their supply to the world by 20%. Thats the milling quality that everyone needs to be able to buy the shit from russia and the ukraine. I will be happy to run an average crop this year and thats after putting more to it than last.

                            Maybe you are trying to talk the crop prices down, but I haven't figured out why.

                            After looking at the best pea crops and knowing they are 2 weeks behind - I do not know why pea prices are not at 7 bucks yet. Sure there may be more acres but there is going to be less production. Harvesting peas in september never is a productive job. Quality may be down as well.


                              Canola should be bolting this week and barley should be starting to head out. Some of the early canola is starting to bolt in a last ditch effort to do something before it dies and the cereals are starting to tiller. This rain isn't going to save a bumper crop, it might mean combining won't be done with a match though. This is completely different than last year.


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