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What's that noise???

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    What's that noise???

    It's the sound of Bulls tearing up CBOT!!

    Anyone remember USDA's latest #'s on Beans etc??

    Pretty negative to say the least.

    And yet Beans and Bean oil are on a tear!!

    Anyone see last week how much fund money rolled in to these markets??

    Could you find any market worse than Wheat fundametally right now??

    Look at what Wheat has done in the past month.

    Hold on to your hats.........Next year or so is going to be a wild ride!!

    On the flip side don't forget about interest rates and inputs, they will run also.

    Inflation trumps all fundamentals when government have the money printing presses on full speed. Which is going up first grains or inputs?


      ajl, totally agree.

      I don't think were're going to avoid interest rates forever. That being said, commodities will lead the inflation period.


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