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Farmers' Work Clothes

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    Farmers' Work Clothes

    What do you wear?

    Sitting all day long in a tractor in a tight pair of blue jeans can restrict blood flow.

    You may want to consider loose bottoms. Scotch kilt? Or how about East Indian pants and smock? LOL

    The thing is, prostate cancer is real. And there are things you can do that might reduce your risk. Diet.What you wear. Exposure to chemicals.

    Farming means long hard days and seeding is right around the corner.

    Have a better tractor ride by going to the thrift shop and buying a few pair of second hand loose gymn pants.Pars

    Pars. Farmers usually have a lower chance of prostrate problems due to the fact we
    are usually outside and can relieve our bladders the instance the urge hits. Truckers
    on the other hand have a higher chance because they hold and hold and hold and
    finally at some lonely crossroads they finally relieve themselves.

    I hate the loose clothes while doing seat time and prefer tight pants. Less chaffing
    and whatnot.


      Froim the Cancer Society's Statistics:

      Percentage Distibution of Estimated New Cases and Deaths for Selected Cancers, Males, Canada, 2009 for Prostate is

      New Cases 28.6%

      Deaths 26.3%

      Prostate cancer rates show large provincial differences.

      25,500 new cases of prostate cancer in Canada in 2009

      4,400 deaths in Canada in '09

      NL 480
      PE 170
      NS 990
      NB 670
      QC 4600
      ONT 11,200
      MB 650
      SK 870
      AB 2900
      BC 3.000

      NL 85
      PE 25
      NS 140
      NB 130
      QC 880
      ONT 1,650
      MB 180
      SK 230
      AB 440
      BC 560

      1 in 7.4 men will be diagnosed with prostate cancer and 1/27 will die from it.


        Sorry, The first group of numbers are the new cases of prostate cancer diagnosed in 09.

        The sesond group of numbers are the deaths in 09.

        By the way, women used to wear corsets so tight they constantly fainted.

        So they moved on to tight girdles. They also severely restricted internal organs.

        Japanese women were forced to have their feet bound. It severely deformed them.

        Constriction equals damage. Think about it a moment.


          Very nice of you to be concerned for our health Parsley.

          However I would remind everyone that loose fiting and tatered clothing are very very dangerous when operating farm equip.

          All in all, be safe and carefull out there.


            Good point. I've got a neighbor who lost an arm at young age because loose coveral's got caught on a PTO shaft.


              When I was little and taught Farm Safety Course and said never wear loose clothes when machine is around. Sad today they don't teach of that kind anymore to younger.


                When I said loose bottoms, I didn't mean loose floppy pant cuffs.

                I meant loose "bottoms"..as in sit on your bottoms. LOL Pars


                  Laxatives are also helpful in creating "loose" bottoms.


                    loose bottoms-commodity marketing=lol


                      Talking of safety, how many have a written safety program in place?
                      [URL="http://www.labour.gov.sk.ca/Default.aspx?DN=76f8d757-5583-45d6-9b75-ddcc6c46af86"] OH&S[/URL]


                        Just about every man gets prostate cancer. The only real concern is if it is too early and will kill you. As far as worrying about getting it? Don't. You're gonna get it.



                          We have family when combining that had a service warning go off in the combine... and couldn't figure out what the code was as it was not in the book!

                          Guess what it was...

                          The operator had not got up out of the operators seat for over 10 hours...

                          I do not think your trucker example holds much water...

                          <(>;{ GRIN!


                            I just pound back the Vitamin D.

                            I was told that tight pants make the girls swoon ;-) So I'll keep wearing them. They don't call me Mr.1980s for nothing. LOL


                              Steve Urkel comes to mind. LOL


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