What kind of science is it when the complete knowledge about a crop eg. flax) is condensed into a data sheet and makes statements in no uncertain terms that flax just doesn't cross pollinate with related weedy species or other flax plants. Such a summary was done for flax; and was one of the requirements of the development of Triffid flax. Thus there is no way that GM contamination could spread; so they claimed. Since no one counts to a million once; lets alone a few trillion times; then just maybe it does cross pollinate once in a while. Also; maybe there are other ways to get contamination from GM material; like mistakes; passing out free samples; terroristic and deliberate actions; a few unconscionable unscrupulous seed growers; poor housekeeping; ignorance combined with mistakes; stupidity; ignorance; carelessness etc.
Bottom line is that there is no licence to let GM material into someone else's conventional food source. It has been some time since anyone pointed out that this should have effectively ruined the organic market for flaxseed. If it doesn't; then the organic flax food market is as big a sham as the claim to be able to rid the world of all traces of Triffid flax.
Bottom line is that there is no licence to let GM material into someone else's conventional food source. It has been some time since anyone pointed out that this should have effectively ruined the organic market for flaxseed. If it doesn't; then the organic flax food market is as big a sham as the claim to be able to rid the world of all traces of Triffid flax.