I would question whether either Europe or North America are the factor flooding the market as you call it. I note that former Soviet Union are increasing market share at the expense of the traditional wheat exporters (particularly North America). Ukraine, Russia and Kazakhstan will make up about 34 mmt of wheat exports this year. Combined Canada and US wheat exports (USDA numbers) are likely to be about 42.5 MMT. The new wheat world you live in.
[URL="http://www.fas.usda.gov/psdonline/psdreport.aspx?hidReportRetrievalName=BVS&hidRepor tRetrievalID=386&hidReportRetrievalTemplateID=7"]USDA World Wheat Trade Eastimates[/URL]
[URL="http://www.fas.usda.gov/psdonline/psdreport.aspx?hidReportRetrievalName=BVS&hidRepor tRetrievalID=386&hidReportRetrievalTemplateID=7"]USDA World Wheat Trade Eastimates[/URL]