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If 12 Million acres didn't get seeded What crop got hit!

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    If 12 Million acres didn't get seeded What crop got hit!

    Well after a day of hard spraying since fields finally dried up and we didn't get rained on I am just curious as to what others feel didn't get planted. Also from the sprayer the canola that is sitting in wet areas or with water on or springs coming out of hills is now dead. Last years frost at least we had one plant per sq yard this year no they just died. It did pour late last night but only a 1/2 inch. But one thing is for certain lots of crop is dead in Saskatchewan or dying. Lovely yellow in all low lying areas and a pale green all over.
    So here is what I feel didn't get seeded. 12 million is close to reality with dead areas showing up.
    So 12 is my guess of lost acres.
    Canola down 5.8 million to 12 million seeded.
    Hrs is down 4 to 14.
    Durum down 1 to 2.4.
    Oats down to 1 to 2.7.
    Flax down to 300 to 900.
    Funny thing all early canola seeded in April looks not bad since got chance to establish before rain came, canola seeded in mid may is having trouble plus canola seeded late may and June just to wet. Very little oats seeded in NE and Also flax not much got put in.
    What are others guess.

    I still can't beleive the market is trading 16 mill acres canola. 13 will be the highest possible #. We started hualing at $9.50 then filled that and bam $9.10 and dropping, oh well sit and wait for now. I think all crops will be 25% off the last stats can report then hopefully reality will sit in then. Good time too ignore the market and take a few weeks off.


      Flew into Winnipeg yesterday, what a disaster in most
      fields, lots of water and very poor density, never seen
      so much brown and ugly yellow from too much rain.
      most fields that had anything it was only on the
      outside round, i think people will be in shock when
      they enter the field with sprayer or combine.


        When the tally is in the acres seeded canola will not look real bad because of the huge increase in the south. But the end production of this years canola will shock the stats people when the crop comes in and average yield is half of last year.


          Furrow I think what is pressuring prices is the current stocks. we used to have 8 dollar canola not long ago.


            How much old crop canola is being carried into this crop year? I think this canola market is going to explode. How about what crop that is there that is 1 month late or more. The hot July heat is coming soon. I cannot see a avg crop coming off this year.

            If a person can survive this season, canola may be the #1 money maker for farmers in 2011


              hopper I duno about current stocks, ADM in Lloyd is searching for canola daily. I just think that line companies jumped all over this stats can report to drive spot prices down when bills need to be paid up. They can suck on bobo for now. I am just a little peaved that spot prices are now bassed off 2011. I did not know they could do that, or am I wrong?


                80% of canola fields in this area are going to yield 10 bpa.


                  Furrow put in a target price. Futures and basis don't really mean anything if one works against the other. The dollar value in your pocket is what counts. Put a target in for 40 cents above market if that suits you. Watch the market and keep your target at 40 cents above. They may come to your price in this environment not wanting to raise every other grain companies bid at the same time. Use the opportunity that I think is before you.


                    We have targets in and were very close then they dropped their pants, we are just going to wait this b/s out.
                    Just got home from S'toon - wow lightning and very heavy rain - drove through water by the Travelodge. Areas east of there are getting pounded right now.


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