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3,000 permit book holders don't cash cheques

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    3,000 permit book holders don't cash cheques

    June/July Grain Matters indicates CWB sent letters to 3,000 permit book holders that did not cash their cheques. Methinks they are either dead, retired and out of the country or just have better things to do than deposit money. I would hazard to guess that 99.9% of these are not farming as I have never lost or misplaced a cheque that is worth over $100 in all my years of farming....started in high school renting a 1/2 section from my dad in 1978.

    Interesting question.

    I suspect most farmers follow money flows from open market crops fairly carefully - you deliver and if not paid quickly, start to worry.

    CWB crops are not a payment for delivery as such but rather a flow of money over the whole. There is the initial payment but after that it is the schedule of approved adjustments, interim payments and finals. Some of the cheques may be small/forgotten about. Other than that, have no explanation.


      Permit books could fulfill an identifiction requirement for those needing an ID in ag (stocks/trades/programs/shell companies/) yet avoiding an identity trail. Pars


        I would guess they are low value checks like a few dollars for storage ect...


          If they were storage credits, I think that credit would be included with the PPO program and entwined with other monies. I have never been paid storage when in the pool and I've never got a cheque for storage separate from any calculation involved with a PPO or IP program.


            So there are 2999 other guys like my old man who stash them away somewhere and forget about them or have them under a years worth of mail piled on their desk.



              The CWB is an easy tax deferal tool when growers are on cash accounting... which vast majority are.


                The cwb should times the amount by 2 and send them a bill for not cashing a check, then the beneficiaries may actually pay it, think about how much we could prop up the pro in times like this, we need to prop up the pro.


                  The letters went out in July/August so the cheques must be written even earlier. Don't cheques expire after 6 months. I guess those that have year ends other than December may still be valid. I guess I am having a problem rectifying the "poor farmer situation" and the "loss of farmers - industry in demise" comments with deferring cheques.


                    Government cheques never get stale dated


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