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Where is the 'Taber Corn'?

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    Where is the 'Taber Corn'?

    Charlie, Did a check on growing season:

    Edmonton, May 25/10 to Aug 21:
    1011 GGD, 1646 Corn Heat Units, 210 mm prec.

    Taber-Vauxhall, May 25/10 to Aug 21:
    982 GGD, 1525 Corn Heat Units, 236 mm prec.

    " Tantalizing Taber corn still at least a week away
    Crop looks good,but late due to weather
    By Kim Guttormson, Calgary Herald August 20, 2010

    Signs around Calgary promise "sweet corn, coming soon," but farmers say the awaited Taber cobs are still at least a week away.

    "It's going to have to hurry to be ready for next Wednesday, Thursday," said Garry Valgardson, after checking his fields on a hot Thursday afternoon.

    He said while the cobs are a good size, one ear ready to go is still sitting next to one that isn't yet.

    Valgardson, who has been growing corn near Taber for more than 30 years, said this year's crop looks good -- it's just very late.

    The area will need more of the hot weather experienced Thursday to finish off the corn, which will now be ready about three weeks later than usual.

    Heavy rain at the start of the season and a dearth of hot days have delayed most crops in the province, and corn is no exception.

    James Wright, a crop specialist with Alberta Agriculture, said corn in the province is usually ready by the first week of August, but it's looking at least three to four weeks late this year.

    "Anything before the end of August is a bonus," he said.

    Valgardson expects he'll have corn ready and off the field by next weekend, in time for the annual Taber Corn Fest, which boasts corn tasting and corn eating among other activities.

    Tom Paterson, co-chair of the vegetable's namesake event, slated to run Aug. 26-29, said producers at a meeting last week "thought they'd have some ready."

    "Whether or not you'll see stands in Calgary quite yet, I don't know," he added.

    It's the third year in a row Taber corn has been delayed or suffered lower yields, after cooler weather last summer and a damaging hailstorm in 2008.

    Taber corn, billed as five times sweeter than other cobs, is a highlight for many during the summer, searched for at farmers' markets, while stands crop up around the city when it's ready.

    In recent years, producers have cautioned customers to make sure the stands are actually selling Taber product, which comes accompanied by a letter of authenticity.

    Taber's usual weather sees it blessed with more sunlight during the year than other regions in Canada, which works with sandy loam soil that heats up fast and drains well. Cool nights help bring out the corn's sugar content.

    Valgardson said some later corn varieties are still three weeks away."

    kguttormson@theherald. canwest. com

    Read more: http://www.calgaryherald.com/news/todays-paper/Tantalizing Taber corn still least week away/3421528/story.html#ixzz0xNrdPvgx

    Such good corn. Yum!


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