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The CWB Releases the October PRO's - Jonathan Driedger, FarmLink

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    The CWB Releases the October PRO's - Jonathan Driedger, FarmLink

    Today the CWB released the October PRO's and the result was a modest increase in comparison to what some thought. With the recent run in corn, the coarse grain complex has some bullish weight behind it. To wrap up the PRO's, I talked to <a href="http://realagriculture.com/tag/jonathan-driedger/">Jonathan Driedger</a> from FarmLink Marketing Solutions. (SEE THE VIDEO BELOW)

    One of the surprises for me is that even with the high amounts of feed wheat in Western Canada, the PRO on feed wheat went higher. Jonathan stated that this is due to the strength of corn and the boards ability to potentially export feed wheat.

    If you cannot see the video below, <a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hBv2CWxwXtQ">click here</a>

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    Good interview.

    I note the comments on malt barley and potential for increases. A frustration is the link between the malt barley cash plus and the malt barley PRO. On a go forward basis, which way (cash plus or pool) will selectors/the CWB go if they need additional supplies? How much more barley will be selected given the crappy quality of this years malt barley crop? Some indication that the only malt barley business that will be done in the next 9 months is to domestic maltsters and the only pricing to be done from there will be that to the domestic brewers.

    My standard question - is anyone getting cash plus malt barley bids? How much? Any new crop?


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