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CWB Series 'A' Acceptance levels?

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    CWB Series 'A' Acceptance levels?

    Dear Charlie et al,

    Now the "a" series signup is over...

    How much feed wheat? 50%?

    CPS Red 100%?

    3CWRS 70%?

    Winter Wheat 100?

    1-2CWRS 100?

    Durum 50%? I believe the CWB will use GDC's for the main volume of 1-2Durum.

    The CWB is really picky (saying liquidation damages will be charged for wrong 'series' grades contracted) on contracting the EXACT grade this year... I hope folks were careful what they signed up!

    Sure happy the CWB is NOT in charge of CANOLA deliveries!

    HTF can you sign an exact grade this year?????? Some are saying a different grade at each delivery point and a different grade from the same buyer at times two days later!!!! They get picky this year SWHTF from even their most devoted followers.


      My thoughts are 100% of everything.


        Some indication that Alberta farmers (some at least) are waiting
        till the "B" series. The idea is to let the elevator unplug and from
        there get better feedback on the grades out there and from there
        ability to blend. Should also be adjustment payment by then.

        Lots of feed wheat in Alberta. The farmers will also be looking for
        programs here. Not crappy initial, pre commit to selling without
        knowing what the CWB will take on the other side and then
        waiting and finally accepting whatever the CWB offers on delivery

        Implication - the CWB will have 100 % acceptance on everything.


          We have seen several guys hold for the B Series as well. Especially where Durum is concerned. Some folks are wanting to monitor the CWB price performance on Durum before they sign up.


            Yup thats what we are doing. waiting and watching, no point to sign up unless cash flow is needed, oh thats true there is no cash flow. More of a cash trickle.


              The area of better relationship between delivery opportunity and pricing is something that needs to be highlighted with director candidates.

              I note the CWB has made specific changes in some of the pools.

              Separated feed barley into 2 pooling periods. Why not durum?

              Almost full payment on barley with a low cost EPO. Still CWB tockage but at least can get a price on delivery.

              A cash plus program for malt barley which matches delivery and pricing against specific sales the CWB has made. Have done a similar thing with soft white spring wheat to domestic mills. Why not durum?

              Changes to the alternative/small class wheats to only an "A" series in some cases with GDC contracts there after or only GDC contracts. Why not go to cash pricing on alternative wheats in a single desk environment?

              Still too much CWB tockage/fudge factor but they all have been steps in the right direction. Is this something the directors candidates see more of in the future? What is their opinion of the programs?


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