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PPO's for 2011

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    PPO's for 2011

    I have used FPC's and EPO's in the past,
    haven't used the BPC yet but what does
    everybody think of it?
    I know we can still get screwed by the
    basis and adjustment factor but what has
    it been like? Better than the pool?
    (cant be worse can it?)

    It can always be worse. Just remember that with the BPC you are at the mercy of the CWB's marketing department. If they make too many low sales, they seem to hammer the basis.

    They will do there best to not let you beat the pool. Can't let an average farmer make them look bad.


      JG, "can't let an average farmer make em look bad". That is a great one liner. You don't mind if I use it and pass it on, do you?


        I don't think that's correct JohnGalt. If
        you take a BPC, you're thereafter at the
        mercy of the futures/CD$ price. The CWB
        marketing department has already taken
        their pound of flesh at that point. If
        they took too much and then padded the
        pools with it later, you could end up
        looking bad, but that's another whole


          Do not take a futures without a basis first because then the CWB has got you. Been there done that.


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