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CWB Throwing a Grey Cup Party with Farmers' Money Again This Sunday?

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    I seek that we all agree on many more things than we disagree on.
    But if the majority of ordinary people as well as their representatives and officials can't agree on acting responsibly; striving for fair hearings and defensible decisions; not being willing to be accountable; not believe in codes of conduct and ethical standards and conflicts of interest; (especially when entrusted with public office positions of power and trust); and I believe in everyone honestly attempting to live up to high standards and expressing their opinions without fear of threats and repercussions. If that can not happen; THEN I FEAR ALL HAS BEEN LOST AND THINGS WILL DETERIORATE FURTHER.
    My previous post was mostly directed at everyone in general; but I fear the message does not resonate with many others.


      As for the flax contamination issue: I would stake my reputation on still saying that the Triffid gene will be with humanity forever; and despite even recent press releases about how we are on the path of ridding ourselves of this contamination; there is no way on earth to ever do so. It would invove testing every flax seed individually (and every flax relative species that some genius says can't cross with domestic flax in the first place) using tests that are akin to measuring with a micrometer and then cutting the piece off with an axe.
      But those erroneous "Triffid free" statements now go totally unchallenged because that battle has been lost.
      What hasn't been lost is this issue being expanded into the real world of all crops and the repecussions going back to individual growers.


        Which is one of the reasons, the other day, that I suggested keeping a few bags of caola as an investmet.

        I foresee all canola as becoming cluster-modified.

        One variety will cross with another and then cross with another from some ditch and then another. No one is responsible, as you note, we've set that precedent.

        The genes will have a toxic effect, one to the other. And there will be financial repercussions.

        I will predict it.

        And because there are ZERO property rights responsibilities demanded by the inventors, the result will be farmers/farms will be deemed irresponsible polluting agents/businesses and treated accordingly. Banning, fining,taxing.

        Virgin seed will be very valuable. Especially to seed companies. Rather like storing a Robert Bateman for a few years.

        Thinking the unthinkable is not popular, though. Pars


          Are there "only 6 of us"? There have to be more readers and ideas. Then there is a chance that some consensus can develop; and then some necessary changes can have a chance to be implemented.


            Saskcanfarmer - Shut your God Damn Flaps! Are you paying for the information here??? Here is a thought, if you don't like the post or what you are reading simply skip over and quit reading. Noone cares if you get a deal on prices, do your own work, pick up the BB and make some calls. Lazy Sh!t. If we were all just Liberterian Constitutionalists the problem would be fixed. Enough of this 4 headed one party system we have here.


              BTO, Do you have a cousin named Rev. Jeremiah Wright? LOL Pars


                Enlighten me. I am just a "Simple Farmer". What would it take to abolish the CWB? How can we go about doing this? How can I help?


                  First of all, trash the "simple farmer" comment. The farmers who click on AV feed more people than is fair, pay more salaries than is their duty and create real wealth that flows to others to repeat the exercise.So do you. It's why I have such respect for farmers.

                  You (farmers) are an extremely valuable Canadian; I cannot stress this enough sask; if farmers were not so valuable, governments, unions and employees would not be trying to constantly lassoo you into submission.

                  Here is the problem as I see it:

                  Plenty of wealth is created. You do not bank enough of it.

                  How do farmers bank more?

                  Well right now, we have 13 MP's elected Conservative....all useless to us. They aren't listening to farmers. CWB pensions will improve though. Electing more MP won't do it either.

                  So what will make them listen?

                  Making them look bad in the public's eye. Making the CWB look bad in the public's eye. Telling the public the money isn't getting to us.

                  Who does the public trust more: politicians or farmers.?
                  We have an advantage

                  How do we tell our story?


                  Media such as radio, newspapers, WP, agribusiness getting CWB branding dollars or malt money, etc., won't help because they know farmers will chop off the money.

                  The universities have educational programs and research programs and U of S economists LIVING off the pooling accounts.

                  So it's farmers direct to public. All we have to do is TELL OUR STORY and every tom Dick and mary will be ticked off.
                  why don't farmers act
                  The problem with farmers is
                  1. Apathy
                  2. Numbers
                  3. Nature of farmers to not be "trouble-makers". Too nice! I try to toughen you up. LOLOL

                  We need a purpose, timeline, an action plan and an execution.Work together.

                  We can make a difference.

                  A bottom line difference

                  Governments will respond

                  The reason I say Government is this:

                  Tommorow morning at 9:00 AM:

                  CWB Minister Ritz could order the Wheat Board to issue no-buyback export licenses to all Western farmers who apply for one.

                  Open marketing!

                  Every load could be shipped overseas or across the US border by farmers and bypass the Board Period.

                  He could order no buyback licenses issued for wheat, or barley, or both.

                  If he was a mischief maker, Ritz could order the Board to NOT issue export licenses to all Ontario loads of wheat and barley crossing the border. There would be hell to pay. He could argue he wanted the same for Ontario that the West now enjoys. tic.

                  Or Ritz could introduce a bill to add Quebec to the Designated Area. LOL

                  You see what i mean? There are countless ways to have free marketing tommorow. We need the will of our MP's, and they have forgotten why they are there. So have our elected Wheat Board directors. So they must be publically made to look like they should not be elected again.

                  In short, every farmer must become confrontational with Ottawa and the Board, and appeal to the good will of the public.

                  We must be forthright. Tough. Know exactly what they want and go for it. And stand on principle. If it's good for the East, damn it, it's good for the West.

                  The Feds will get tough. They will jail. They will intimidate. So will the Board. But they will have to back down to numbers of farmers. And to hordes of voters unprepared to make an X for them.

                  In my humble opinion. Pars

                  pS We've sent sof-spoken shufflers to Ottawa to speak for us behind closed doors. Paid for both sets of the bastards.

                  What did you get?

                  Nothing. Surely we've learned no more of that.


                    To Parsley. IMHO you wasting your time with these poster children (infants?).

                    Regarding the '54 Chevy there should be a paint code tag on the body. If not my guess would be cream. And if it isn't correct who's to know? HT


                      Yes, it may well be time to click, and instead enjoy some edgey excitement on a literary blog.

                      The car: Cream would be my guess, as well. So, cream it is. I thank you very much for that HT.

                      As well, 1951 Monarch with a hood ornament. Grey. Book too. Mine. Drool away. LOL Pars


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