Let's admit it, as much as some of you want to try to ban BTO, and Burbert, you must admit that they do enlighten this Agriville from time to time. Like i said on a previous post are they "Dumb like a fox" You can argue with me all you want but some of there comebacks, have been funny, and yes true. The one about vote with your drills, stop and think about it, how true is it? Lets face it guys, if you at all have any bit of a open mind, when you first read some of there posts you think how stupid, but rethink some of it, and sometimes they do have a point. I hope this does not swell there chest to much. Keep postin guys, sometimes laughter is the best medicine.
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of course there are some open minds you know the ones if you looked through one ear you could see daylight out the other. Ha ha lol!
Wilagro and rider. So wanting the right to market my cwb grains like the rest of what I grow is like the KKK? Yet forcing farmers by threat of jail is enlightened. Have essentially the exact same marketing strategy for 75 yrs is intelligent and those who want change are air heads? Please explain this to me. I'm not nearly smart enough to get your comments
Trouble is there is no middle ground, as BTO and Burbet make fun of. One side is sure they can out market Vitera and if not it`s the CGC or railways fault(never their own)..The other side says "My dad or grandad said the multinationals screwed us in the thirties" and we trust the CWB....Somewhere in the middle is probably the truth..
I think getting rid them is like trying to get rid of the CWB. Even if the majority wants them gone, a few dont know what they would do without them or it(CWB). Lets keep them and all suffer it is the Comedian way like they say.
A big thank you to those who do not take this site too seriously! A lot of the stuff posted here on Angriville is baloney and phoney to be sure. Having a bit of fun, now and then is a good thing. Isn't it? Swearing threatening and name calling are methods used by small minded people to make feeble point.
Well walk my above comment was directed at the two extremes supporters and non supporters. If you want to admit you are not that smart good for you they say that is the key to recovery although not sure what you can really do in this instance, plug that hole up somehow. Hlg is on the right track, the cwb isn't working to what it should but there are alot of other things as or more important facing many of us next spring. Directing the attention to this misleads all of us and others to not look at the big picture long term plan that our governments do not have. China, india, pakistan have a long term plan it's called world domination look at where they are now look at how we are falling behind. So many issues even foreign ownership of our farmland, our oil, etc. etc.
You gotta admit this is a right wing mainly focused site and for those two BTO and Burb or one or whatever they are to hang in is what makes it a bit interesting. But BTO did cross the line with the degredation of women to an inexcusable extent that something should have occurred at the very least a retraction and apology, maybe more.
Lets face it, its this dam cwb, that's ruining what to me was once a informative and entertaining site. My suggestion to Joe Dales if he wants to save his sit is this.
In the meeting rooms, just below computers and internet is to have a CWB.
THEN, anyone who mentions cwb on the commodity marketing, shall lets say be fined 50 dollars, or allowed no more posts on agriville.
Why do i feel it would work:
If i go on commodity and ask if one should do a fpc or not, then (using saskfarmer3 has an example), can reply and tell me his marketing strategies on my question. No he does not need to give me his long lingo about the cwb. His advice on my question will be greatly appreciated by myself. If he wants to vent off, then go the the cwb discussion site and do it.
No offence Saskfarmer3 I do feel you are as sharp as a tac on marketing.
What do you say joe? Give it a try. Then those that want to vent CWB all the time (feel sorry for you wifes) can do so.
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