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NCC Update on 'The Three Stooges Parody"

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    NCC Update on 'The Three Stooges Parody"

    Federal Election Alert

    Things have definitely moved into a very high gear during this election campaign, and I wanted to give you an update on some of the goings on. Our 'Three Stooges Parody' has caused a great deal of interest, dismay, and a few incredibly rude (but very typical) comments.

    The ad was a tongue in cheek poke at the opposition parties to show that the coalition is still very much alive and well. The issues that we at the National Citizens Coalition want to dominate the agenda are in our Agenda for Canada. You can read that by clicking here.

    If you support these initiatives please donate to this worthy campaign by clicking here. In some of the email I received recently it was claimed that we seem too partisan. We ARE partisan - for the ideology of "more freedom through less government". Our motto and our view point puts us totally at odds with all the opposition parties. They all want bigger government, nanny state national programs and things that this country cannot afford. If that makes us partisan, so be it.

    Before you criticize me for not attacking the Conservatives - we do, we have and we will continue to do so. We have consistently said for several years that Ottawa is just too big - with a $250 billion budget it is past time for our government to go on a diet. However, if the opposition parties get their way, spending will certainly go way up, not down.

    The Stooges video has resulted in us receiving more than 120,000 hits to our website in two days - we have received many donations and yes, there are some people that disagree with us on the stooges ad and that is fine. That is what free speech is all about. You can see the impact these videos can have on the campaign by clicking this link. It is from the cbc.ca website and its shows how effectively videos are being used during this campaign. Note that ours is the top one listed, but you can see some of the other ones as well.

    Imagine, the CBC actually showing something the National Citizens Coalition has done. Must be a full moon!

    Here is another item of note that I thought you would find interesting. As of today, we are the ONLY fiscally conservative organization that has registered with Elections Canada during this election. There are dozens and dozens of organizations registered that want more money, more this and more that. As you all know, we are not such an organization!

    This registration is required for third parties if they intend on spending money during the election writ period. We intend to run radio, print, web and potentially tv ads during the last two weeks of the campaign to focus on the issues that hard working Canadians really care about. You can listen to our latest radio commercial by clicking here. This ad will start airing this weekend in the Ontario market and we plan to roll this ad out across the country along with others that we are currently working on. If you like the ad and want us to spread it further, please support us by clicking here.

    One last comment - during an election the mudslinging at me personally and our organization ramps up to incredible levels from the hysterical left. The last few days have been no exception. I have had vile shots taken at me, at my mother (who, by the way, was an incredible lady who sadly passed away 19 years ago). I do have very thick skin, and one needs that in this job, but the venom from the left is still something to see. It is beyond disgusting, and disappointing at some times.

    I can assure you all of these personal attacks on me and the National Citizens Coaltion just fire me up more to stand up for what is right - our partisanship is on behalf of hard working taxpayers and our thousands of members from across the country. We will continue to fight for more freedom through less government.

    Your comments are always welcome. The last couple of weeks in the campaign will be very interesting, and I will keep you updated on a regular basis. Please click here to comment.

    Best regards,

    Peter Coleman
    President and CEO
    National Citizens Coalition

    "The Three Stooges Parody





        Direct from the English Debate:


        But if that's the promise you're making, but unfortunately your party has a rather long history of making promises in elections and breaking them after.


        But Jack, at least we get into government you've been in opposition forever.


        Well there's the sense of entitlement again, same old attitude.

        Read it on Global News: Global News | INTERACTIVE: Federal Election Leaders' Debate 2011


          And who is the National Citizens Coalition you ask? Oh right Stephen Harper used to be the President of it,
          and they stand for small government, interesting that HIS gov't has the largest deficit OF ALL TIME.

          AND THIS Started Before the stimulus spending


            Ultra right wing extremists, something the Germans had right before H took over, fooled the population into believing their bullshit was for the common good, turned out to be most horrible thing the world has seen. Only good for a while for the extremist coward that locked himself in his leader room and dictated everything.

            Here's the funniest thing I read all day they quote integrity and transparency as their goals.

            Prostitutes, fraud artists, and swindlers at the hill hm so much itegrity.


              You are referring to the "National <b>Socialist</b> German <b>Workers</b> Party". Who were not on the right side of the political spectrum but the extreme left.

              And if you believe that Harper is heading down the same road as them then you are ****oo for cocoa puffs.

              What is it about lefties, that when someone starts talking about maybe lowering the odd tax here and there they think the next third reich is around the corner.


                Mustard, you do have a point about Harper's spending. Its a very good point.

                That is one of the most disappointing things about him. I thought that he was a strong fiscal conservative and to date he has shown us that he is not.

                However there is a problem with that argument.

                Every time Harper has spent a stupid amount of money, such as on the stimulus plan and the auto bailout the only thing Ignatieff thought was wrong was that it wasn't <b>enough</b> money being spent.

                Harper spent too much. Yes, absolutely. The problem is Ignatieff, according to what he said at the time, would have spent even more.


                  You should study up on your history Franny and don't be so hung up on the word "socialist" in the way it's bandied about in Western Canada. If the National Socialist German Workers Party was ultra left wing how come they despised the communists but adored Mussolini's fascists?


                    Fran It's a hell of a lot more than just taxes. It's also about conduct of someone that is demanding a majority. We've become a joke not only in our own country but internationally with the daily scandals. Used to be one a day now it's two a day.

                    Helena Gorgeous and Harper, Why is she not filing a wrongful dismissal against him. What is the connection there? Who's breasts was she supposedly snorting coccaine from? I want that video!!!!!! lol, ahhhh ha ha lol Comedian government alright!
                    But seriously the other prostitute on the hill must be a real knock out if he booted helena out.

                    Raheem made rounds to the pmo office looking for inside business info, isn't that where Harpers fraud artist hangs out?

                    Border control deal with the states officially not happenning, but secret negotiations discovered going on. Sounds just like the deals to build stadiums, we all know there going on where the hell is that money gonna come from.

                    No reply on true cost of jets

                    USA mega jails, after you build them who is gonna pay to run them?

                    Prostitutes on the hill

                    Fraudsters apppointed to senate

                    War on Lybia, Glenn Beck warns of the people that are uprising in the middle east he says they are extremists that say they want CHANGE, DEMOCRACY, OPEN GOVERNMENT, but according to him they are communists and terrorists connected to union uprising in the usa, and you agree with what he says, so why are we bombing the Lybian government aren't we then according to Beck helping the communists and taliban? Are we trying to be George Bush? Russians and other countries are placing markers claiming the oil reserves in the arctic and we are busy bombing Lybia?

                    Afghan detainie files

                    Changing budget numbers

                    Bev Oda changing signed documents

                    Tracking kids on facebook and booting them out of public party meetings because they had a picture of Ignatieff, couldn't they track the
                    crooks sitting beside them on the hill?

                    Auditor general report on G8 money for pretty sidewalks and shithouses built 100 miles from the meetings. Must have been a couple bottles of imodium included with the guest packages, or some ultra fast limo drivers either that or those sidewalks got repainted. Do we need to read any report to know this is crap! lol lol

                    Still have the cwb, just so the hill- billies from out west still believe their vote counts. Man aren't we a tough smart bunch out here. Painted ourselves right out of the picture.



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