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NCC Update on 'The Three Stooges Parody"

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    I guess if you feel the alternatives are better than Harper you have your options to vote for someone else. I feel he is the lesser of all evils and the best chance for change at the CWB.


      3 flavours of the same ideology, none of which
      are relevant to the anti-conservative smear tactic
      of the left.

      The very 1st thing that popped up on that
      propaganda website "shitharperdid" that mustard
      mentioned was a lie.
      They said <i>"The census is how our government
      determines the state and needs of the country.
      Harper tried to <b>secretly eliminate </b>the long
      form census so that he could quite literally make
      uninformed decisions."</i>

      The left wants Harper to be soft on crime, but
      they get angry when he wants to <b>remove the
      jail sentence threat from </b> the long form
      census. So I guess in lefty land a rapist should
      go free, as long as he fills out the long form


        Fascism and communism are kissing cousins. They are two variants of the same political system. Dictatorship

        It is an old worn out ploy of the left to claim that the only two choices are communism and fascism. This is a false choice and always has been.




            Speaking of soft on crime, one of Harper's ethnic candidates was an admirer of the Tamil Tigers. Of course Harper has labelled them a terrorist group. How ironic is that?


              since when did the right have any credibility on balancing budgets or reducing spending.

              Mulroney , Devine . The mess they left to be cleaned up by who. the liberals
              and ndp respectively.
              Minority govt.s are just fine .

              Harper has a history of huge mistakes.
              luckily he was not in power at the the time.
              first we would have gone to Iraq.
              lives and Billions wasted there.

              bank deregulation. Harper was all for it. he Had a (right wing /US) banks can do no wrong attitude .

              lucky for us Harper was still in opposition and it did not happen.

              How much would a Canadian version of the US bank bailouts have cost the Cdn. taxpayer and where would the
              deficit be today?

              Right wing solutions don't always save money

              42 year old American/wife 2 kids on the plane to vegas this winter. 1600 $/ month
              health insurance premium

              selling potash corp sask

              even as distasteful as it is ,
              buying clean needles for addicts
              to prevent the spread of HIV and
              hepatitis, probably saves the health
              care system a fair bit.

              All of parties do stupid things when they have majority's

              Liberals pork barrel and corrupt themselves out of office.

              Conservatives 2nd in that department
              also tend to give away the farm to big business , every way possible .assured somehow in their own
              minds . that we will be better off.

              NDP make dumb investments and entrust
              non business types to manage them.
              they spend too much on social and not enough on infrastructure.

              Gilles Duceppe , probably the smartest of the lot, but unfortunately he only works for Quebec

              so i vote for a minority of any kind


                Minority = Coalition.

                I wish it were not true... the 'Debates' proved for me...

                The Three Stooges WILL run our Country... If the Conservatives miss the majority.

                We obviously need a NEP/Carbon Tax for SK and AB... to pay for all this!

                Oh well... I guess that will lower land prices in AB and SK... what you really wanted Sawfly?


                  yeah let's give harper a majority so that he can really expose his true character: lying pos. if he gets four years of majority he will be exposed for the corrupt, dishonest hypocrite he's always been. it was said on here that we didn't know mulroney was a crook when he was in office - well let's open our eyes and see this turd for what he is before it's too late.



                    So Harper stands up to the three stooges... stops the crazy spending... and attempts to balance the budget to live within our means:

                    And Conservatives get called every bad name in the book.

                    Talk about politics...

                    We will get the government we deserve...

                    I just hope for the sake of our next generation... that the Three Stooges are not PM,s of Canada.

                    It won't take long to tear apart... the best country in the world!

                    Looks like you are ready!


                      Canadians want their next Prime Minister to have CEO-like qualities: Monster Poll
                      Vision & leadership more important than having a beer-buddy

                      April 15, 2011 @ 07:00AM

                      Toronto - For Hire: A Prime Minister for Canada who has vision and leadership, is an excellent communicator and a strong role model, is results-driven, and has a track record of success. Political experience is important. Being a good person to share a beer with, nice to have, but not a requirement.

                      Online career resource Monster.ca conducted a national poll by Harris/Decima asking Canadians to think of the Prime Minister as the CEO of Canada, and to identify the qualifications they felt were most important to them. The poll revealed:

                      1. nine out of 10 Canadians (89%) felt vision and leadership is the most important qualification
                      2. the least important qualifications: being a consensus builder (67%) and customer-service focused (66%)
                      3. nearly three quarters (73%) of those polled said having a long political career is an important consideration

                      “At Monster, we’re good listeners. And what we’re hearing from Canadians is that they want a leader who has vision and leadership, who is strategic and who has a clear goal for the country and our future -- qualities you’d expect a CEO to have in such an important role,” says Mike Jackson at Monster.ca.

                      Canadians split over beer
                      Canadians were basically split down the middle on whether it is important to be able to sit down and have a beer or coffee with the Prime Minister. “Canadians clearly prefer leadership and experience over the softer skills like being a good person to talk to over a coffee or beer,” says Jackson. Even so, while most Canadians will never have a beer with the PM, half (51%) still consider it an important quality when evaluating who to vote for.
                      Less important than being a good person to have a beer with was tweeting: 43% of Canadians feel it’s important for their Prime Minister to be an active tweeter.

                      Clear vision, strategy, goals tops
                      “Monster fills thousands of senior level positions every year, in both the private and public sector,” says Jackson. “Canadians recognize this is a serious job that requires important skills, skills not unlike those that would be required of a CEO.”
                      Nearly a third (31%) of Canadians polled said the leader should be strategic; that they could see there as a plan and where it is leading. The number one question Canadians would ask if they could conduct the job interview: “what is your vision for the country and for the future?”

                      Experience definitely an asset
                      “Relevant experience is always crucial in the business world, and Canadians are telling us that being a lifelong politician is a valuable or desirable attribute for the country’s top public servant,” says Jackson. “Career politician doesn’t appear to be a bad label to Canadians.”
                      Interestingly, 83% of Conservatives think having a long political career is important, while 65% of Liberals and 77% of NDPers said the same.

                      Vote for PM; but vote for CEO?
                      Prime Ministers get voted in, but CEOs? When asked if employees should be able to vote for their CEO every four years, Canadians were split: 47 per cent said yes, 47 per cent said no.
                      “The job for Prime Minister ultimately rests in the hands of the Canadian electorate. By showing Canadians that the election is like one giant job interview, Monster wants to encourage everyone who is eligible to get out and VOTE on May 2.”

                      Rick Mercer for PM?
                      For fun, Monster asked what Canadians -- outside of those currently campaigning -- would be best for the job. Nearly a quarter (22%) said Rick Mercer, followed by Canada’s most recent CEO of the Year Ed Clark of TD Bank at 16%. Hockey legend Don Cherry received 11% of the vote and hockey great Sydney Crosby came in at 10%. Teen singing sensation Justin Bieber got a mere 1% of the vote (likely because his constituency isn’t yet eligible to vote, nor is he).
                      This Monster poll was conducted by Harris/Decima via teleVox, the company’s national telephone omnibus. A total of 1,002 Canadians were surveyed from March 31st to April 3rd, 2011. Results are accurate to within /- 3.1% 19 times out of 20.


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