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Manitoba's Screwed for now...

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    Manitoba's Screwed for now...

    Heavy rain in the western half of the province right now... puddles in most fields already.

    Drove into Dauphin down Hiway 20 (about 15 miles east of my farm)... There's lakes in the fields, soil erosion to the rock, and mud. With this rain 15cm of snow, no seeding there, or in fact Ste. Rose till June 1.

    We'll be lucky to get going May 15 now.

    Yeah, 40 mm of cold rain.


      Absolutely evil weather. If that happens here we would never seed in 2011.


        Told ya should have been seeding wit The Rig Pig & Old Red. Could have been half done by now. Oh well always next year.......


          Might not be a next year for some. Fat lady singing her heart out.


            Klause I would have been seeding. Rain started at 5. and just checked big shower or snow on way. YEA YEA YEA. But hey the Seed Master arrived today. At least I can look at It.


              Seedmaster??? Thought yous had two 75' 3310 PHD's hooked together like they do in Australia, pulled wit a chipped 1150 Versie on triples, pumpin out over 600 H.p.????


                Seed bastird works the best in the yard looking at
                it. In the yard it won't be plugged with straw and
                making piles all over.


                  90k winds with rain and snow,sure feel sorry for the
                  cattle guys trying to calf now.


                    Drew called this about a week ago, they just were not sure where it would hit. I seen it about the 23rd - "rain event". Right to the day when no Canadian forcast seen this until two days ago. I hope Drew is wrong for the rest of spring - anyone see his latest forcast? For some it may not matter.


                      Nasty - winter storm warnings for Manatoba and Blizard warnings for N.D. Lake Winnipeg may become lake Manatoba next week.


                        We were without power since last night... came back an hour and a half ago. Guess what... pumping out the basement with a 5HP gas pump... every 30 minutes... haven't slept
                        in, oh, I think it's 28 hours now.

                        This is the view out my living room window... yeah, that's the monster and air drill in front of the quonset.

                        <img src="http://a3.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak snc6/230497_10150295046119689_747004688_9426538_2065083 _n.jpg"/>


                          There were some desparate big time farmers playing in the mud yesterday. They may have seeded a quarter. Probably have to be reseeded. Nothing will move for 2 weeks, puts seeding into the latter half of May. Yields down quality down ,ugly harvest. Interested in the next seeding report.


                            Now yous know why yous should calve the Old Nags in January. Its cold, but at least its A DRY cold, ain't gotta put up wit slop either. Also calves are alot bigger in Fall & they gist do better being born early. Furrow, we already have a Lake Manitoba, its straight West of Lake Winterpeg & almost as BIG. Gees git out & see the WORLD......


                              bizarre weather here in scotland too. no rain on east coast for 8 wks, 22oC
                              Crops going yellow due to lack of n, no rain to wash it in.
                              winter barley going through growth stages but not getting taller.
                              spring wheat/barley not germinating unless perfect seedbed, some irrigating it. its unreal


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