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Where is the CWB 'single desk' premium now?

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    Where is the CWB 'single desk' premium now?

    Charlie et al.;

    Here is the quote from the last CWB PRO... :

    "The increased supply of quality and protein wheat is pressuring the top end of the market towards the middle or bottom end due to a smaller demand base.
    It is unlikely that protein and quality premiums will appreciate significantly until the market turns its focus to 2012-13--and then only if there appear to be weather problems that compromise quality spring-wheat production."

    Isn't this a clear admission, by the CWB, that the 'single desk' has no power to hold up premium human consumption wheat markets?

    Why on Malt barley... is the CWB PRO $30/t less than west coast offer prices?

    Where are the practical benefits of the CWB 'single desk'???...

    The CWB has just shown us they are the first to give up premiums... and drop selling prices on the international markets!

    All the balking on the marketing change... and it is clearly political posturing and retoric/myths!!!

    There is no CWB premiums. Can you not get that through your head. The only premiuns is the private market,small nic markets the CWB ignore. Malt barley in North Dakota was 7 dollars in your pocket last monday when I was down there. Wheat was 8.50 in your pocket....


      And by the time Allen Oberg is done spending money and talking stupid, farmers in Western Canada will receive less than 7 bucks for wheat by december 2012 for this years crop.

      And durum will be a far worse drop off in price.

      Incompetence at its finest.


        The ****ing cwb is not even smart enough to set initials higher than the off board price for feed wheat or durum. And don't start about the government setting initials - the requests are based on the cwb's numbers.


          Their is no fricking premium. And yes I read that BS they sent out. Here is the mighty CWB telling every one prices are to high and will come down. Again like wal-mart the lowest price is the law.
          GOD HELP US>


            Go to Obergs meetings with 5 guys. Sit up front.
            Stand up and speak. Interrupt. Challenge. Stand
            your ground. These doghackles have intimidated
            farmers long Enuff. Stand yr ground or they'll
            own it. Pars


              one older guy was laughing the other day. he doesn't farm any more so doesn't have a dog in the hunt. he recalled how the end of the crow would mean higher grain prices but prices dropped. his comment was that prices probably won't go up with the end of the cwb and if the american ethanol mandate is abandoned it could take $5 a bushel off grain prices. i think $5 is maybe a bit much. it would be a kick in the pants and it would definitely be a buyers' market.



                now why would he say paterson grain's best days were before the cwb and he looks for that situation to reassert itself? i think the cwb should go but it's going to be a whole different paradigm to market grain and it isn't just going to mean prices have to go higher. i think mayo schmidt is probably thinking he'll take the premium, thanks and his 'competitors'will play along.


                  You can be well assured that Vital Earth and the rest of 'em will get the "premium" from the wheat and barley sales. That is what they are in business for. Can't blame 'em...its their "entitlement".


                    Scare tactics work with kids. The CWB schemers
                    told organics we can't market. They stole,
                    interrupted. Undermined and decades the
                    markets we built up from the ground.
                    my markets will embrace my mistakes, my
                    profits, my losses, ...... My independence.
                    Lump it. Pars




                      So who is getting the money now the CWB does not attain?

                      The same folks you claim will get a premium in a choice market!

                      My argument has always been... why force growers to market through the CWB if they truly object to the process?

                      Before 1990 Pedigreed Seed was marketed for milling wheat without buybacks. The CWB stopped growers from the little freedom they had... and the fusarium marketing injustice was without excuse and wholely unacceptable.

                      Chairman Oberg is proven by his own actions to be unreliable and unfaithful to those he claims to serve. And the above quote proves that VP of Sales Flaten was deceptive and spinning a web of fiction at the Plebicite CWB 'single desk' Rallies (IF Flaten this unconnected to the reality...of Marketing... why is he still VP of sales at the CWB?) .


                        You will never get it until you understand that this is not a price higher or lower issue.

                        It's the right thing to do, and it offers a chance at an opportunity you can never receive when you're not in control of the final phase of your grain.

                        If you don't like that, then get off your collective like minded butts and create your own pooling model and support it.

                        Get on with the legislation, Minister Ritz. I'm waiting.


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