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Ontario harvest update

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    Ontario harvest update

    Ontario winter wheat harvest is under way.

    Above average yields with record acreage = 2.5 million tonne crop.

    And guess what, Ontario grower can sell to who he wants, when he wants for what he wants; WITHOUT mother gov't involvement.

    What are western CDA prospects for wheat tonnage? I know what marketing options are already.Have wheat confiscated by gov't now or later.

    Free wheat in the west.


    The CWB has not been serious about REAL pricing options... last October OWPMB offered forward pricing opportunities (for 03 crop) at VERY profitable prices... so the wheat was planted... and those farmers willing to risk manage did well, as will processors like yourself.

    I am glad that Ontario farmers have wheat marketing choice, hopefully a new PMO will stir the CWB up, but I won't hold my breath... with Manley out, Goodales buddy PM for PM has little to reason to cause change...

    The West needs to become a partner in confederation, not a slave lining the coffers of Ottawa...


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